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"Ugh, it's too damn hot!" I groaned, my head resting on my best friend's thigh as my legs stretch across the rest of the couch.

Calum laughed, "Blame climate change."

I rolled my eyes, standing from the couch before scoffing, "Very funny, smart ass."

"Hey," he argued, "Just 'cause I dropped out of high school doesn't mean I can't point out the facts, Sky."

"Mhm, sure," I responded with sarcasm laced in my tone, walking towards the kitchen to get something to eat, until a pair of arms managed to engulf and pull me back down on the couch again.

"Calum," I whined, struggling to escape his grip, "Let me go!"

"Nah, I don't think I will," Calum stated, pulling me closer to his chest and burying his face into my hair, "I like cuddling with you too much."

"I don't care," I exclaimed, attempting to push his arms off of me once again, but ultimately failing.

Calum sighed,

"Looks like you've left me with no choice, Sky."

"What do you—"

Before I could even finish the question, his fingers dig into my hips as he begins to tickle me. I had let out a yelp, almost falling off the couch in the process of trying to escape when I blurted out,

"Okay, stop, stop! I surrender!"

Defeated, I sat by his side once again, this time throwing my legs across his lap and leaning my head to rest against his shoulder. My hair brushed against his cheek to which he smiled, tilting his head to leave a kiss on my forehead before turning back to his respective position.

Surprised by the sudden action of affection, I looked up at him and ask

"What was that for?"

"Nothing—Just wanted to do it."

His hesitant response made it obvious that something was bothering him. Calum looked at me with a knowing he had to tell me what he had been keeping a secret for too long

"Okay, cut the bullshit," I snapped at him honestly, concerned, "What's going on with you? Talk to me."

Calum knew I didn't like the fact that he was keeping something from me, as I have had constant trust issues through out many relationships in my life. In fact, Calum may have been the only person who really understood what I went through since he had watched most of them happen after I had moved to Australia from Sam Fransisco when I was six; people coming in and out of my life.

Calum has been my best friend ever since and with knowing my peeves, he looked hesitant to begin to tell me.

Licking his lips, he began,

"I—well, the boys and I—we got a call."

I cocked a brow, "Was it good or bad? Because I swear if it was another prank call about fake signing you to a record company, someone will—"

"It was good, Skyler... Really good, actually," Calum muttered, picking at a loose thread on the pant leg of his skinny jeans.

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