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Skyler's POV


"Calum," I breath, not believing my eyes. I want to jump into his arms, but I can't seem to move my legs. But he takes care of that by suddenly lifting me up in his arms. I wrap my arms around his neck as he spins me around. I've missed this, I thought to myself.

"Oh my god Sky!" Cal says almost starting to cry, "I can't believe you're here. You don't know how much I've missed you."

"Are you kidding me? There hasn't been a day where I haven't thought about you!" I exclaim after he gently puts me back on the ground. I throw my arms around him again, never wanting to let go. I can't take another day without Calum. We stand there like that for what seems like ages but is interrupted by three other voices that I also thought I'd never hear again.

"Cal! Let's go we're on in fi— HOLY SHIT, SKYLER!!!!" I hear Michael Clifford scream excitedly. He jumps into our group hug soon joined by the other two, Luke Hemming and Ashton Irwin. I laugh, I've missed all of them so much.

"Guys! Cant.. Breath.." I choke. They all step back laughing. I look over at Calum who seems kind of pissed, but shrug it off. I'll talk to him later. "It's so good to see you guys again!" I say. Michael rubs the back of his neck and laughs,

"Yeah, I know! 4 years is a long time!" Outside of Calum, I've probably missed Mikey the most. He's always been there the person I go to if I'm mad or just need a friend. Plus, he's the only one out of the three that I told about my "Calum Crush". I see Luke staring at me out of the corner of my eye, but get distracted when Ashton appears in front of me.

"I've missed you, kiddo," He giggle bringing me into his arms and I laugh. I look up and gasp,

"No, not the bandana!"

"Yeah," He laughs coming a hand through his dirty blonde hair, "I kinda grew out of it."

"Bummer," I sigh then grin, "Well, I think it looks hot. With or without a bandana." Ashton blushes, as I reach up to pet his hair immediately earning complaints from Calum.

"Why does she get to touch it? You won't even let me touch it!" He pouts crossing his arms.

"That's because I love you SOOO much that you're not allowed to touch it," Ashton smirks.

"Awww, Ashton I had no idea you felt that way," Calum plays along giving him a flirtatious look.

"God get a room both of you!" Luke laughs acting disgusted. The stage manager suddenly runs out into the hall looking down both directions of the hall until he finally sees us.

"Boys! You need to get your butts on stage now!" The four laugh.

"He was afraid to use asses!" They whisper quietly, "AROUND US!" And we all burst out laughing. The stage manager rolls his eyes and walks away in the direction of the stage.

"You better be on stage in exactly one minute or I'm having security drag you up there!" He yells back.

"Damn, what's up his ass today?" Calum smirks and turns to me. The rest of the boys start to walk to the stage, but stop to wait for him.

"Um, Cal you heard what he said right?" Ashton says annoyed.

"Just give us a second!" Calum yells. I laugh. It's cute when he gets defensive.

"Alright Romeo, just make it quick!" The three burst out laughing and disappear off to the stage.

"Boys will be boys am I right?" I say but cut off unexpectedly by a pair of soft lips. The kiss was gentle but needy, knowing that we both have wanted this for a long time. Calum pulls away, but I reach up and pull his face back to mine and kiss him again. We pull apart,

"Come with me," Calum says. I'm about to say something but Calum stops me, "I can't leave you again."

He reaches his hand out just like before and I take it. Not knowing what surprises were ahead of me.

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