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Skyler's POV

I didn't know what I would expect to see when I walked into Calum's room as I followed behind Michael. I feel a hand grasp mine assuringly and see Michael looking down at me with small smile as if to tell me there's nothing to worry about. 

My gaze finally lands on Calum, beat up, bruised, and broken. My knees feel weak as I walk over to the side of the bed and take hold of Calum's hand.

"I'm sorry Calum," I whisper.

Just like I thought, the sight wasn't one I wanted to see my boyfriend in. He had bruises all up his arms, along with bandages wrapped up to his collarbone, covering his tattoos. The tattoos I love to trace at night when I'm lying in bed next to Calum. Seeing his lip busted open just reminded me more of how much I loved them and I couldn't help but turn to Michael with watery eyes,

"Why would Luke do that, Michael?" I choke, "Calum and Luke are best friends, I-I don't understand." Michael pulls me into his arms and I wrap mine around his waist.

"I wish I knew what was going on in Luke's head, Skyler," He mumbled into my hair, "Or why he suddenly got feelings for you."

"See, that's what I don't understand!" I exclaim quietly, "Luke should've taken it out on me, not Calum."

"Sky, stop it! Luke punched you, and I swear I'm gonna kick his ass when he's sober," He growls but shakes his head, "But that's not the point right now, Luke..." He pauses.

 "He's never acted like that before, ever. But things could've been a lot worse for Cal if you didn't stop that punch."

"Well, I couldn't just sit there watching him get beaten right in front of me!" I say loudly forgetting that Calum was in the room unconscious. Michael puts a finger up to his lips, and motions to Calum and I nod, mentally face palming myself.

"Hey, it's a good thing because he would've done the exact same thing for you." That's the thing, I know he would and he wouldn't have to do anything if I just told Michael what I was going to do.


"That kid would take a bullet for you," Michael quietly says into my ear, rubbing my back. I close my eyes knowing that the chance to tell him I was leaving was a lost cause until another voice that wasn't Michael's spoke,

"I'd do more than that, Skyler."

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