The Hunting

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As she ran her legs got weak and she was out of breath. She looked back and saw that he was coming closer.

"Come here Raven I don't want to hurt you, I just want you back home safe."

He was lying, when Raven got home she saw him kill her mother and ran after her. She looked back and tripped over the root of a tree. A twig broke and she covered her mouth to muffle her heavy breaths.

"I hear you my darling." he said as he got closer

His footsteps got closer to her, with each step her heart began to beat faster and tears ran down her face. She leaned up against the tree trunk and he turned around and found her.

"This is going to hurt me more than it hurts you." Her father said with a mischievous grin.

Raven began to cry even more and she covered her face as he got closer. She heard what sounded like a cry for help or someone trying to scream. Raven uncovered her face to see a stranger covered in blood with a machete, she looked down and there lay her father dead on the floor and the axe next to him.

"Th-thank you." She said

She tried to get up but the strange man picked her up by her throat and stabbed her in the stomach. Still holding her he looked into her eyes and dropped her to the ground.

Is this how I die, is this where it all ends for me. Almost killed by my father and then killed by that strange man.

She held her abdomen and curled up in a ball as the blood leaked through her fingers. She tried to scream for help but could barely speak, she tried again but coughed up blood. The blood splattered everywhere, her vision got blurry, and the noise of the forest went in and out through her ears.

The problem with life is it's to short, you don't get the chance to do the things you want to do.

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