The Letter

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She woke up on the couch that morning. She went to get up but was held down by a pair of arms, she began to panic and hyperventilate, remembering the time her father pinned her to the floor as he repeatedly hit her. She looked at the arms holding her and saw it was Danny, she calmed down when she realized it was only him and relaxed. He wasn't going to wake up soon so she closed her eyes letting the darkness enclose around her. She was almost asleep when she heard someone walking outside around the house. She sat up quickly and woke up Danny.

"What is it?"

His voice was groggy and he was rubbing his eyes.

"There's someone outside."

She looks outside the window and sees a tall, dark figure walking around to the next window that had a clear view of Danny, he started to wake up but she covered his mouth and told him to be quite. He slightly nodded his head and she got up. She walked over to the window and tried to look at his face, she couldn't see much so she went through the window so she was right by his face. All she could see was a tight jaw, defined cheek bones and the same beautiful eyes she saw before. he was pretty handsome but she couldn't see much of his face. She quickly went inside and knelt next to Danny by the couch.

"Danny, pretend I'm not here. Just go up to the bedroom and stay there."

He whispered to her.

"I can't really move right now."

"I'll help you, just try and make it look like your moving by yourself."

He nodded his head and began to slightly move, making sure not to make his wincing noticeable and make sure it wasn't to suspicious that he was moving away from him. Raven grabbed his waist softly an dragged him up the stairs. He was heavier than he looked and she wasn't sure how much longer she can hold him. When they made it up the stairs she hurredly opened the door and dropped him on his bed. Once she made sure he was ok she turned to go to the door but stopped when she heard a slight clicking noise downstairs. She walked down to see a shadow over by the front door. She was quite scared but went down anyways, watching intently at every move the man made. He went inside of the kitchen and sat at the counter. He pulled out a piece of paper and took a pen that was besides him. She tried looking over to what he was writing but didn't want to disturb him. He finished writing and put the paper on the coffee table. He looked up the stairs and left.

A/N: sorry about the late updates but with finals and mma practice its been hard. I'll try to update more i love you all.

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