Broken hearts and Apologies

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They both got home, tired and hungry. It was a long day that day, they got lost in the woods, they lost Zombie, and a piece of evidence was lost, luckily they found it but it was one of the worst days they have had. Raven is still mad at him and everything was just a disaster. She put the duffle bag on the couch and went into the kitchen to get something to eat and went into the room. She slammed the door behind her and it echoed throughout the entire house. He cringed at the noise, thinking about how angry she is at him. He just wants to make everything right again with her again. He went in the kitchen got some pizza (or whatever you prefer), moved the duffle bag out of his way and sat down. It felt like he was sitting there for hours  just thinking of what he can do to make things right between them, then it hit him, he could go out and get her some gifts and take her back to where they first met. Zombie walked down the stairs almost glaring at Danny. He knew what was going on and he took Raven's side. He meowed and sat a distance away from Danny.

"Look, I'm sorry ok. I messed everything up and now I don't know what to do. I have a plan to get her back but, I don't know if it will work and all I really want is to hear her beautiful voice again, to see her sparkling eyes, I want to have the stupid prank wars we used to have. I just want her to be mine. And I know I sound crazy saying all of this but I really like her........and now I seem even more crazy because I'm talking to a cat. great."

Raven was slowly following Zombie down to the stairs. When she couldn't see him anymore she knew that he was already down the stairs but she was regretting leaving the room. She's still mad at Danny and just wants to be alone. She heard him speaking.

Is he talking to Zombie?

She moved a little more down the stairs so she could hear.

He really misses me? Even after I got mad at him and wouldn't talk to him. Ughhh I was acting like such a toddler. Maybe I should go down there and apologise.

The talking stopped. She waited about a minute and walked the rest of the way down. She still ignored him, she just doesn't know what to do, what he said hurt her. She put her plate in the sink and went back up the stairs, she stopped half way to call for zombie the went into the room, shutting the door a little more quietly this time. Danny sulked on the couch and stared blankly into the quiet room. He didn't know how to move on know that the last thing he held dear to him might leave to. Everything just seems to be slipping away from him, his mom, Raven, his friends,'s all just....gone. He got up to get his phone from the kitchen but it wasn't there. He figured it was up in his room then but he didn't want to go up there and just make things worse so he walked over to the couch and started to sulk again. Raven was laying down on the bed, the bed where she slept for the first time since she died, the bed where she would sometimes find Danny and Zombie cuddling together. She heard a buzz and went over to the desk to see it was Danny's phone. Should she look in it, half of her said not to and just go lay down again but the other half of her said to sit down at the desk and look, he hurt you, so what if you go look through his phone. She looked over to Zombie for his opinion but he was sleeping so she just looked through it anyways. The buzz was just an email so she ignored it and went into his pictures. The first picture was of him and Zombie, Zombie was on his back with his fuzzy, black paws close to his face and Danny was hovering over him ready to tickle his tummy. She remembers this, she was holding the camera laughing and pretending like she couldn't save Zombie and when Danny started to tickle him he began to nibble at Danny's fingers. She remembers looking over at Danny and he was already looking at her, a huge, goofy grin plastered on his face, The little dimple in his cheek deepened and he pulled her down and started tickling her to. She snapped back to reality and giggled to herself but then sighed, maybe she should go down there and make things right. She looked out the window to see the beautiful, star-filled sky but instead she saw that the sun was starting to rise. Danny was still awake, he couldn't sleep. He just kept thinking of things to do for Raven. He decided to get up and shower then make breakfast for the two of them even though Raven doesn't really need to eat he thought it just showed that he cares about her.  She slowly and quietly made her way down the stairs. She stopped mid-way and saw Danny wasn't there so she put his phone in the duffle bag so he wouldn't know she went through it. She heard a door open from upstairs and ran behind the couch as fast as she could. She looked from the side and saw Danny, one towel wrapped around his waist and another just laying on the top of his head. She looked away, her face was heating up and she just knew her face red. Danny took some clothes from a pile of folded laundry that Raven put for when they came back. He began to put them on and prepare the batter for rainbow waffles. While his back was turned Raven ran up the stairs as quick as she could. She sat on the floor covering her face. Zombie nudged at her arm and tried to move it. Raven poked her face out from under her arm and looked at Zombie. He cocked his head to the side and rubbed against her, she liked how he always knew when she was sad and how to cheer her up. She pet him. She smelled waffles and smiled, he really he must really want to make it up to her. She opened the door to let Zombie out and she walked out herself with a smile on her face. She can't believe that he cares this much. 

I think i really like him.

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