Happy Holidays

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Raven looked carefully to make sure this was real, and in fact it was. The both of them found about half a fingerprint on the lighter. It's only half but it's better than what they had before. Just when they thought all of this searching was for nothing, that it was leading them to a dead end everything just unravels so perfectly. It was like striking gold, or waking up on christmas (Or whatever you celabrate) with your family to mountains and mountains of gifts. They just wish they had their family with them right now. It's almost christmas (or whatever) and they don't even have their mothers with them during the most wonderful time of the year. That's all they want, is their family back. At least they have each other for the holidays, if they didn't they wouldn't know what they would do.



"I was just wondering what you want for christmas."

"To be honest, the thing i want most in the world is to have my mom back. I know that will never happen but, I miss her so much and i'm just happy spending it with you. What about you?"

"Same. My mom was the only one that made me feel safe and when I lost her I didn't know what to do. Then you came along and now i feel like I can do anything, like I don't have to be scared anymore."

Zombie came over to Raven and curled up besides her.

He was so soft and small, it was like cuddling a cloud. I love him so much and i'm glad I found him even if I couldn't rescue him. He seems happier this way.

She giggled at her own words and thought about how her mother would like him, if she would share the same love for him that she does. They used to agree on almost everything, they were like the same person! But now she's gone and she could never find out if she would like him, or be with her during the holiday season. It's like prison being away from her mother. Danny turned away from Raven, pretending he was asleep. He couldn't stop thinking about what could've happened this christmas. Her homemade holiday cookies, decorating the tree and house, putting lights and decorations outside, and drinking hot chocolate on the couch while they watch movies together. he misses those times with his mother. It was painful being away from her, like when he got hurt at the park when he was younger, except this time she's not here to kiss it better and make the pain go away. Now he has Raven though, when she's around everything is is alright and nothing can go wrong, like a big safety bubble that she uses to protect him and Zombie. He just wishes there was something to do to help her and make her safe, she said that he makes her feel like she's safe and doesn't have to be scared anymore. They complete each other, nothing can drive them apart.

Killers POV

I watched through the window of his room planning on what I was going to do next. He turned over so I left his house and made my way to mine. Why does he talk to himself so often, is he crazy or just lonely since i killed his only family left. It doesn't matter I just have to toy with his emotions a little more until he breaks, then when he doesn't know what to think, what to expect all I have to do is swoop in and kill him. It's a pretty simple plan, (just like the band simple plan.....no, I need to stop......ok) one you can't mess up unless you are a complete idiot who can't follow simple directions. But that's not me, i'm smarter that that. Maybe, just maybe I'll give them a break to celebrate the holidays.

First person p.o.v.

Its now Christmas day, it's been pretty relaxing and quiet. It's a little suspicious, but whatever. Danny ran down the stairs with Raven ready to start the day. They didn't get presents because they were caught up in the search so they just went and spent some time with each other.

A/N: sorry so short its christmas eve and i wanted this out soon before i forget. Hope you enjoy my kittens ^.^

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