First Dance

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~Regular POV~

Last night after a couple minutes of watching cute cat videos Danny and Raven went down to the living room and turned on the music. The song ' First Dance' by Never Shout Never came on and he twirled her around the room. He scooped Zombie up into his arms and danced around as Raven just laughed. They had so much fun dancing and smiling and laughing.

Raven woke up to a crash. She looked around and saw she was in Danny's bed, but he wasn't there and neither was Zombie. She ran down the stairs and looked everywhere until she got to the kitchen. Zombie was licking what looked like pancake or waffle mix with chocolate chips on the floor and Danny was picking up broken glass. It was a mess.

"What happened?"

"I was trying to make you pancakes but i dropped the bowl."

Danny had a sort of sad look on his face.

"It's ok we'll make them together. You finish cleaning and I'll get Zombie out of here."

She shooed him away and came back to pick up the rest of the mess with Danny. After the mess was cleaned up ghey made another batch of pancake mix. They decided while making them they should have a little contest to see who can make the best pancake art. Danny was the first to go, he made a bee, a rose, and spelt out the words 'I love you'. Neither of them were aloud to see the pancakes until both of them were finished. Raven made a galaxy with a alien in the middle, a daisy, and a ladybug (My lady bug~) with a little top hat.

"Ok are you done?"

"Yeah, are you."

"Yup. On the count of!"

They both turned around, Danny's was slightly burned around the edges and Ravens daisy was ripped a little in the middle. the rest of hers were almost perfect seeing as thought she used to cook a lot before she died.  He looked at her in shock,  she just smiled triumphantly.  Zombie cam back in the room cautiously making sure he wasn't still in trouble. After about a minute he strode in the room like he never did anything. He looked graceful and proud, not caring about anything else, just that he got out of trouble.

"How did you make it so perfect?"

"It was just a lot of practice. I used to cook with my mom before and art was one of my  favorite things to do."

She gave a light smile and walked away out side to the backyard. The sky was beautiful, it was a light blue with only a few clouds but they were fluffy and stretched out like little white feathers. The butterflies danced so gracefully in the sky, the leaves rustling in the trees were so peaceful. Everything about that day was just amazing. Zombie came outside and rubbed against her leg. She looked down and sat on the soft, plush, green grass. She closed her eyes and was ready to relax, she heard a big bang and sighed, got up and walked over to Danny leaving Zombie confused and laying in the grass. They both walked calmly out the door just waiting to see what disaster ruined this peaceful day for them.

"What do you think it is this time."  he whispered to her.

When he finished his sentence she looked over at him, she looked annoyed with the killer. He always knows the perfect time to ruin their day.

"It's either a stabbing or kidnapping. He just wants our attention just like a child, and we, just like their parents, give in to it and give them the attention. I would say don't but i'm rather interested in him now."

"You could of just said 'I don't know' or 'maybe it was nothing'. We could've just ignored it and went back inside."

"Where's your sense of adventure."

"Back in our nice warm home were we belong."

"Well to bad, lets go."

She grabbed his arm and started towards the sound of sirens.

A/N: Sorry for not updating in a while, I had a lot of tests and practice for the EOCs and stuff. I will try to update more often thought. ily guys

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