Heaven and Hell

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She slowly walked down the stairs. Danny heard soft footsteps coming near and suspected it was Raven. He turned around to see her head down. A tear drop rolled down her cheek, he ran over to her and lifted her head up to wipe the tears away.

"Raven, I know I messed up and I know sorry can't fix what I did so I came up with a plan. We've been having quiet days ever since them and well I thought I would take advantage of that."


He cut her off.

"No, don't say anything, I don't care if you say it was your fault, or that you forgive me, I know that I hurt you and I can't live with that. So lets start with a nice, delicious, colorful breakfast."

She nodded her head and sniffled a little then smiled. She sat down and Danny came back to the table with a beautiful waffle with whipped cream, sprinkles, and some fruit on the side. She looked at him with the biggest smile she ever had, got up, and tackle hugged him. They both fell to the floor laughing. Raven got up and sat back down patting the seat near her for Danny to sit with her. 

After they were done their breakfast Danny told Raven to go outside and he would call her back in when he's ready to show her the next surprise. She Stood out there for maybe ten minutes. He told her it would be in the living room so she had to go in the backyard. She heard a huge boom and smoke coming from Danny's room. She rushed into the house she looked everywhere and she found him unconscious next to the door. He didn't look like he was to hurt, he had a few scratches and there was dirt on him but that was it. She picked him up and took whatever wasn't destroyed with her. she went downstairs to see flower petals in the shape of a heart.

Oh my god he's so cheesy.

She walked down the stairs more and saw a snow white teddy bear about 6 feet tall. she picked up the bear. the house was beginning to catch fire, she could hear the sirens of the fire truck. She saw something in the middle of the heart, it was a picture of them and Zombie was photo bombing in the background. She went into the kitchen and left through there. She was a good distance away and another boom came. This made the flames even stronger. They were engulfing the house faster than they were when it fist started. She used this opportunity to go to the forest without anyone seeing her, well and Danny and the stuff she was holding. She ran behind another house and there was a little boy Playing outside. The boy looked over in their direction and saw Danny, unconcious, and with the rest of the stuff she had been holding. She panicked the boy just kept staring and she couldn't move every part of her said to move but her body just wouldn't. Finally she ran away from the boy's stares. She got to where the edge of the city and the begining meet, she paused for a bit and looked into the forest dreading to go into that horrible home again yet she was so excited to go and remember all of the good times that she had in there. She was walking through the forest, almost nearing the door. She gently placed everything down, even Danny, and looked back at Zombie, she didn't realize he was following her until now. She just sort of hoped he was, he can't really die anyways, she would just go back and get him. She opened the door and let zombie in. She first picked up Danny and layed him on the couch, then she went back out and got the rest of their stuff. It's now night time and Danny was still unconscious so she began to make dinner. Danny woke up with a groan. He smelled something delicious, it was like something his mom would make; then he realized what happened before. He shot up and frantically looked for Raven and Zombie. He stood up but got up to fast so he fell to the floor. Raven heard a thud coming from whete Danny was so she ran into the room with Zombie close behind and saw Danny on the floor, slightly groaning and trying to get up. She took his arm and put him back on the couch.

"Raven! Oh thank god your ok."

Danny hugged her like he was going to loose her.

"What do you mean? Of course i'm ok."

"I thought you were hurt or left behind in the fire."

"Fire cant hurt me, the only thing that can is iron and salt."

(Ayyyyy supernatural.....no.....sorry....)

"Oh, well where are we?"

"My old house, now i have to finish dinner before it burns. You need to stay in bed and rest."

"Ok, thanks Raven."

Not thinking she lent down and kissed his forehead. She then realized what she did and quickly went back into the kitchen. She couldn't stop looking down at the floor, replaying the moment over and over again. He could feel his cheeks heating up and covered himself entirely with the blankets. Zombie squirmed his way into the blankets and cuddled into Danny's arm, Zombie looked up at him and cocked his head to the side. Raven called for Zombie to come and eat, he tried to run out but got caught in the blankets and fell to the floor in a tangled mess of blankets. Raven peeked her head around the wall to see Zombie struggling to get out of the blankets and Danny laughing. She shook her head and helped him out of the tangled mess. Danny reached over to get the blankets back but fell face first onto the floor. This time it was her turn to laugh, she bent over with her hands on her knees, almost falling over from laughing to hard. She helped him up and finished dinner. She came back with two plates, she set one on the coffee table and put the other in her lap and started eating.

"Hey Raven."


"Can i ask you something personal?"


"Why are you still here? Not like in the mean way but just like way aren't you in like heaven, if there is such thing."
(Not judging your belief, sorry if i seemed it)

He said the last part pretty fast.

"Well when I was little my mom told me ghosts or spirits are here because they couldn't. Cross over to heaven or hell and they were just stuck in the middle. I guess im just one of them people who get stuck."

"Oh ok."

There was an awkward silence as they ate. So she put on a movie, as the movie played she couldn't stop thinking of how mich her life has changed and out of everything, why is she stuck in the middle of heaven and hell.

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