The Black Cat

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When she woke she wasn't sure if she was still dead or if she had made it, but when she looked around more carefully she saw her father on the ground and her body with him.

"So I guess I'm a ghost now, cool....I guess." she said with uncertainty.

It's been about a week now since she got murdered. While walking she saw a cat barely hanging on to life under a tree branch, she did everything she could to help it but in a matter of minutes it died.

Walking away from the horrible scene she heard a meowing noise and looked around.

"You're okay!" she screamed.

Raven charged after the creature, lifted it and gave it a huge hug. While in Ravens arms the cat purrs.

"I wonder if you have a name."

She looked around for a collar or some type of identification for him. She then just stopped looking and decided to name him Zombie.

"So Zombie, were should we head to next?" She said to the black cat.

When they got to the edge of the city they both looked at the scenery, which was pretty okay but it could not compare to the beauty of the forest. Zombie stood on the pavement and sniffed around, not really sure of what to think of it. He backed up and looked up at Raven, waiting for a signal to go.

"Go ahead." She said

Zombie meowed as if to say ok and they both started walking. She stepped onto a sidewalk full of people, she tried to avoid bumping into one of them but when she did the person just walked right through her. She then looked back and started running into the street, not even looking for cars. As Raven ran the memory of her father chasing her flooded through her mind.

"Hey, look out!" A voice called

She looked over to see a car coming at her. The mysterious person lounged at her and pushed her out of the way.

"Are you ok? You could have gotten hurt."

Raven looked to see who had pushed her out the way. When she looked over she saw a tall boy with blue and green eyes and shaggy brown hair.

"Yeah I'm fine, thanks." She said as she got up

"Good. You should be more careful. Anyways I'm Danny, what's your name?"

"My name is Raven."

Everybody around them starts staring at Danny. Danny starts to look at her wondering if she is new to town.

"Did you just move here?" He asked

"No I actually live, well lived in the forest."

They started to walk together, not knowing where they were going. As they were walking a stranger walked right through Raven. Danny looked at her in disbelief, trying to put together what he just saw. She took him to a little space behind a nearby store.

"Now before you say anything, I know I should have told you when you saved me but the thing is I got caught up in talking with you an-"

Danny interrupted her and started to say something Raven didn't expect him to say.

"I think it's pretty cool and you don't have to apologize for it because it isn't your fault."

Zombie came and rubbed against Danny's leg. They all smile and start walking again.

"So, you want to go to my house and you can tell me how this all happened."

"Oh, uh sure and you can explain to me how you are the only one who can see me."

They walked towards his house having random conversations about whatever popped into their head. When they got to his house his mom welcomed him with a big hug.

“Oh Danny I'm so glad you're back, I missed you." His mom said with worry in her eyes

“Mom I've only been gone for half an hour." He said as he got free from her embrace.

“That's still to long." Her expression became more relaxed.

He started to walk up the stairs with Raven but stoped and turned around to face his mom.

“I'm sorry mom, I will try to be home earlier. I promise."

He ran down the stars and gave his mom a huge hug.

When Danny's dad left him and his mom he knew everything was going to change, his mom would act different and nothing would be the same. As soon as he saw the note his dad left that day he knew he had to be the man of the house. He still argues with her but he loves her so much. He does everything in his power to make her happy and she does the same.

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