Peace and Quiet

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Before she started cooking she put on 'Enter Sandman' by Matallica. It was one of her favorite songs. When she was little music was the only thing that truly cheered her up besides her mother.

~Killer's POV~

I looked through the window to see him on the couch smiling like an idiot. But why, I've destroyed everything that was precious in his life....unless there's another thing I haven't gotten to. He looks like he's petting something, yet there's nothing there. Maybe he's going insane, if so I'm doing my job perfectly. It smells like he's cooking some type of pasta. Out of all the questions that go on in my mind the one that stands out the most is 'why did he stay?'. Does he not care, is he trying to mock me? That last one really got on my nerves. He better not be, whatever i missed i will find it and destroy it. No one mocks me and gets away with it. He can probably see me right now and that's why he's smiling. I should probably go before I blow my cover.

~Regular POV~

The food smelled delicious and Danny couldn't wait to eat. He started to play with Zombie while waiting for it to be done. She came out of the kitchen with two plates of pasta with fresh basil, gave Danny his plate and turned on the TV. They were watching Supernatural and Dean is talking to Sam about him selling his soul to the cross-roads demon. This was there absolute favorite show. Later on in the show Sam killed another person and someone else died, (except the Winchesters because for some reason they just can't, and Jensen, Jared, and Misha are so amazing. plus destiel....sorry didn't mean to fangirl.) Raven hid her face in his arm.

"What's wrong, I thought you loved this show."

"Yeah, I do it's just that I can't stand seeing Sam prepare to loose his brother. This show makes me very emotional."

They both fell asleep on the couch, Her cuddling into his side and their legs tangled together. Zombie was on the chair next to them. Everything was peaceful, but something was just outside the house waiting for the right time to go in. It took a little pocket knife and slid it under the bottom of the white pain, chipping the paint in the process. It slowly slid in through the window, careful not to wake Danny up. it was successful in doing so until it came into the living room. It stopped behind the couch, almost kicking it in the process. It slowly moved around the couch and into the kitchen. It heard Danny move and froze.

"Raven, whats wrong?"

It froze in the middle of the kitchen making sure he didn't hear him. But why was he talking to himself, he's surely crazy. The thing started to carefully go through every draw in the kitchen and everywhere in the house.  Once it found what it needs it  left out the same window it came out of but not before leaving a note for Danny to read. It went to close the window but looked inside the house one last time for the night.

Raven was the first to wake up, she carefully untangled herself from Danny and went to go make breakfast.
For breakfast she made scrambled eggs with bacon, toast and some apple juice (or whatever you like) and put it on the table. She wasn't very hungry this morning so she went over to the couch to wake danny up.

"Danny. Danny, its time to wake up. I made breakfast for you." she whispered.

He groaned and turned over to face the back of the couch. Raven rolled her eyes, grabbed his arm, and dragged him off the couch. When he hit the floor there was a loud thud and he groaned in pain.

"Are you going to get up now?

He looked up from the floor and saw her smirking. She put her hand in front of him to take, he took her hand and pulled her down with him. Raven was now laying on top of him and they were both laughing instead of being flustered and embarrassed. They seem to be more confident with each other. She got up and helped him up to, Danny ate his food and they went up to his room to hang out. Everything was going perfectly but something seemed off. There were no murders lately, it was like the killer just disapered off the grid, it was weird.

~Killer POV~

I was outside, just waiting next to one of the many rose bushes next to the window. I peered inside hoping he wouldn't see me. While trying to look farther in the house I pricked my finger on one of the long, sharp thorns of one of the roses. The blood began to bead on the tip of my finger. I stared at it as it slowly started to trickle down my finger and onto my palm. It was warm and smelled like copper. I slouched against the side of the house, watching as it slowly started to dry at the edges. It was almost at my wrist but dried all the way at the bottom. It was almost hypnotizing, the color, the smell, the way it moves, everything. I snapped out of it when I heard him talking. I looked into the window, he looked like he was holding something. Music was in the air and he was dancing around the room. He looked like a complete idiot, making a fool of himself.  If he only knew what was going to happen in the near future, he would've finally left me alone to do what I need to do. He's always in the way of things, how does he even keep up with me. I need to put all questions aside and finish my work, no interruptions, nothing just peace and quiet.

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