5. Me? I Like Wood

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"YuXin, let me borrow your hair dryer."

"YuXin, let's go work together, I'll drive you there."

"YuXin, let's go home together."

"YuXin, I'm hungry. Let's order dinner together."

Cai Xukun had been a frequent company for YuXin as the duo seemed to spend almost their entire day together - going to work and getting off work to being each other's neighbours. Cai Xukun has been such a frequent visitor to YuXin's apartment to the extent that YuXin couldn't help but chided, "Kun, other than sleeping and showering at your own apartment, you're literally at my house most of the time."

Cai Xukun flashed a cheeky grin at YuXin, "In that case, why don't you register my fingerprint at your lock. It'll save you the trouble of having to open the door for me."

To his surprise, YuXin actually took his cheeky retort as a suggestion and led Cai Xukun to the electronic lock, registering his fingerprint."That will save the hassle of opening my door for you."

Spotting the surprise look on Cai Xukun's face YuXin frowned in confusion, "Why are you acting surprise? It's not like you don't barge into my room when we're back at home."

Cia Xukun closed his mouth and smiled, "You still treat me the best." He pulled YuXin over to his own front door, "Then you should register your fingerprint on my door too."

Yanking her hand away from Cai Xukun, she shook her head with her eyes rolled, "I'd rather not take the risk of tainting my eyes seeing you making out with other girl at your home."

Feeling hurt and offended by the blatant accusation, Cai Xukun drooped his head down and sulked. "When did I do that.." He pouted his rosy lips with his cheeks puffed that made him look like a wronged puppy that immediately softened YuXin's heart.

"Ehh Kun Kun, I was kidding.. I'll register now. I'll register my fingerprint right this moment." She tapped her index finger on the scanner and registered her print and the frown on Kun's face slowly straightened to a smile.

Hehe, looks like YuXin is still vulnerable to my poor puppy look, Cai Xukun thought internally, giving himself a mental high-five for getting his way.

"Then you shouldn't say things you didn't mean in the first place." Cai Xukun pinched both sides of YuXin's cheek gently as he replied, causing YuXin to crease her brows from the sudden attack.

She held on to Cai Xukun's hands and pleaded while attempting to break free from his" Punishment". "Alright.. Let go of me first.."

YuXin rubbed her sore cheeks with a slight frown and Cai Xukun quickly caressed her reddening cheeks gently with his thumb, bending down to inspect her cheeks. "Does it hurt?"

He tilted his face to the side and pointed to his own cheek. "I'll let you pinch me back and call it even." Yuxin stifled a laugh and poked his cheek gently. "Forget it, let's just go have our lunch."


After a tough competition, the company successfully clinched the contract with other artiste management company to collaborate with their up and rising idol as the main endorser for the company's new product. YuXin was given the responsibility to liaise and work together with the idol for their marketing strategy.

"Executive Liu, make sure that the collaboration is done well. This endorsement will determine our sales and outreach to the public. Follow closely through every single process and make sure there's no complains from Ying Hao, you've no idea how hard it was to get him on board."

YuXin nodded furtively after hearing her manager's words, flipping through Ying Hao's folder as she skim through his data. There was a photograph of the 1.9 metres tall idol. His deep set facial features exude a charismatic yet playful vibe with a cheeky grin on his face. Is this the look that the public like these days?

The day YuXin met Ying Hao, she gained a brand new perception of the title, idol. He brought demanding to a whole new level putting on airs as they went through the different types of advertising they were planning for the product.

"I have a designated photographer."

"This outfit is a no go, it clashes with my image."

"This is not what I had in mind, didn't my team inform you that I don't work with female models?"

"I want to change the script, this is not good enough."

The usually good natured YuXin was on the brink of retorting back to this demanding idol but she took a deep breath and bit her tongue. Putting on a professional smile, she nodded her head and replied with a soft but professional tone telling him that the changes will be reviewed.

At the end of the meeting, YuXin went back to her office seat and smacked her palms on her face lightly, letting out a loud sigh. This little ancestor is so hard to please. Giving a light slap on her face, she cheered herself on and proceeded to do the edits for the proposal.

"YuXin, why are you still here?" Cai Xukun walked out of his office, surprised to see his little rabbit looking at her computer screen in full concentration all alone in the office space. It was already 9 pm and she's still slogging away, trying to edit the proposal and thinking of ways to compromise to Ying Hao's demands.

"There some stuff to edit." YuXin smiled softly at Kun, "You can go home first."

As if I'm letting you stay in the office alone. Cai Xukun shook his head and walked over to YuXin, smoothing her hair gently. "I bet you haven't eaten dinner. I'll buy some food up, you need some fuel to continue."

Cai Xukun picked up the potato slices and placed in YuXin's bowl. "So this is the artiste we've decided on." He glanced at the photo of Ying Hao on YuXin's desk.

YuXin replied with a nod while chewing on the potato slices. "He's one of the most popular idol." She took up the photograph and scrutinised his looks carefully. "I guess his looks are well-liked by the public these days."

Cai Xukun's mood immediately sour upon hearing YuXin praising about Ying Hao's looks and he shot back at her, "What about you? What kind of looks do you prefer?"

In the past decades of them staying together, Cai Xukun has never heard YuXin discussing about the type of guy she's into and now that there's an opportunity to know about it, he perked his ears up to listen intently.

"I... Uhh.." YuXin stammered hesitantly as a hint of red started to appear on her cheeks. She quickly avoided Cai Xukun's intense gaze and replied quickly, "Tan, muscular guy."

Tan. Muscular. These two words have nothing to do with me. Cai Xukun nodded his head half heartedly as he squeezed his biceps subtly, thinking of hitting the gym more often to bulk up.

"What about you?" YuXin asked

Cai Xukun scoffed softly, "Me? I like wood."

"Huh?" his answer caused YuXin to frown in confusion.

Cai Xukun placed a few more dishes into YuXin's bowl. "Eat up, the food is getting cold." Yeah, the girl I like is indeed as dense as a piece of wood.

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