35. I Love You

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YuXin wrapped her arms around Kun and leaned in close to him while cuddling with him on the sofa.

She's been racking her brain for the past few hours on how to break the news to Kun without him having a huge reaction. As she pressed her cheek against his chest, she tugged on his shirt and looked up at him with her soft doe eyes.

"Hmm? What's the matter?" Kun caressed her cheek affectionately. YuXin propped herself up and cleared her throat, fumbling her fingers around while she tried to look for the correct words to say.

"Umm.. Kun Kun, say if.. If something happens during work and employee has the capacity to help, they should do it right?"

"Of course, that goes without question." Kun replied.

"So.. You also fully support it right?" YuXin asked with a sincere gaze.

Smiling, Kun stroked her hair and replied, "Yeah, I'd be happy if my employee is capable of resolving problems at work. Why are you asking this?"

"Ahh.." YuXin scratched her head and averted her eyes away from Kun and continued quickly, "Well.. A few weeks ago, our model for the shoot couldn't make it.. So I volunteered to model for it."

The smile on Kun's face froze and fell into a solemn expression with a crease between his brows. "Model? What did you have to do?"

YuXin immediately put on her best innocent face and pleaded, "You have to promise not to be angry." She's banking on Kun being soft hearted from her pleading, knowing how he would usually give in to almost everything she wants.

Kun reached his hand out and placed his palm over his face. Judging by what YuXin said, he could already tell it must be something not to his liking.

"Kun Kun.." YuXin tugged on his sleeve and looked at him with a pout, trying her best to appease her boyfriend before revealing the hidden secret.

The moment he saw the his girlfriend's adorable expression, his upset feeling slowly dissolving and he couldn't help but smile affectionately at her, caressing her cheek gently.

"Alright, I promise not to be angry."

Getting the green light from Kun, YuXin smiled back in relief and shared as a matter of factly, "It's nothing much really, just me having to swim around in the pool."

Swim? Pool? Kun could feel his blood pressure rising upon hearing the two words. He was certain it would be something he would have rejected straight up. Kun controlled himself and asked, "You have the clip?"

YuXin nodded and whipped out her phone, "Kai filmed it in such a way they can't see my full face. No one will even know that's me."

She clicked on the video and played it for Kun. As soon as he saw her outfit, his jaw clenched hard as he steadied himself, controlling his blood pressure from hitting straight through the roof.

You can see through everything in the white shirt. Who thought its a good idea to wear such a revealing outfit.

That's obviously YuXin with the distinct jawline..

Seeing the scene of the white shirt clinging onto YuXin's wet body, Kun felt the anger in him raising again.

He inhaled deeply and mustered a smile despite his feelings. "Its not that bad."

It is bad, it's the absolute worst.

Heaving a sigh of relief, YuXin threw herself on Kun and hugged him tightly, "Thank you for being understanding."

Sigh, what to do. I've already promised her I won't be angry.

Kun swallowed the anger within him and returned the hug, silently cursing Kai for asking YuXin to do this.

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