∞ Chaotic Activity (Pt 1) ∞

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Atsumu's (P.O.V) ~

At first I thought I would regret agreeing to Kokichi's insane plan to turn Sakusa's base into a chaotic mess but I was soon to find out just how much fun I was in for and just how much I wanted the punishment that came after. . .

But lets start at the beginning.


After I agreed to help him Kokichi's purple eyes widened with excitement and he let out a shrill squealing sound as he threw his arms around me and squeezed tightly.

I shuddered at the unexpected contact and his squeal changed into a sadistic grin that stretched across his lips.

"I have just the perfect idea of what to start this day off with", Kokichi said as his smirk deepened.

"And what is that. . ?", I said slowly as I lowkey dreaded what he was going to say next.

"Let's go mess with the rookies!", He exclaimed as he bounced on the balls of his feet with Hara~chan smiling in adoration beside him as he watched.

'Oop, They gotta be dating or something'

"What do you mean by mess with them?", I asked.

"You'll see~", Kokichi said with a sly grin before he grabbed my wrist and pulled me through the hallway.

Now that I was paying more attention I realized I didn't have any clue of where on the resident floor I was because none of it looked familiar.

Kokichi continued to drag me and his leashed companion until we were standing in front of the elevator I had abandoned not even twenty minutes ago.

Once it was open he smacked the button for the training floor before he turned to me, "Okay quick run through of what's going to go down once we get there".

I nodded my head and looked at him expectantly.

"From the schedule I stole from one of the members I passed earlier at this time the rookies should be beginning target practice for shooting and all of that. Sooo~ We are going to play a little game with them", Kokichi explained before he turned to Hara who was standing obediently beside him.

"As for you kitten, your only job right now is to stay by my side and look pretty since I won't be holding onto you alright?", he said as he reached up and unclipped the leash before placing it into Hara~chan's waiting palms.

"Yes Koko, I understand", he replied and I noticed he wasn't calling him master and his posture changed as he stood straight up.

Hara wrapped the leash around the upper part of the skirt he wore and clipped it where it sat like a belt and turned his attention to me.

"Are you ready Atsumu?", Hara said in his sweet voice but it was starting to deepen just a bit.

"Oh, uhm, yeah. Also please call me Atsu", I said since him using my full name sounded odd to me.

"Alright I will, in return please just call me Hara", I nodded at him and the elevator bell dinged as the doors began sliding open.

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