« Trouble Comes Knocking (Pt: 1) »

586 16 13

Atsumu's P.O.V ~

Right off the bat, I squealed in excitement at the most adorable baby I've ever seen in life that sat in Asuka's arms.

He was so tiny in her arms but he had a chunky little face that had deep dimples in both of his cheeks as he smiled and gurgled at us while waving his tiny little baby fists in the air. 

His hair was very thick and curly with a dark raven black color to the hair, just like Asuka and just like Sakusa, the baby also had those large trademark obsidian eyes the two of them shared that seemed to stare into my soul even though it was cute either way.

His pale skin contrasted with the stark darkness of his large eyes and his deep colored hair but even then he was the most adorable baby I've seen, Asuka had him dressed in a furred black jacket and dark little pants to match it with a set of black timberland boots on his small feet.

"Oh, my, god! He's way too cute Asuka!!! Can I hold him please? I swear I won't drop him or anything", I said immediately before Sakusa and Ushijima could even say a word.

Asuka laughed at me while Maddox just smirked at me and chuckled a little as well, "He is good looking isn't he? That's my genes right there", Maddox said with a teasing lilt in his voice while Asuka gracefully rolled her eyes and nodded my way as she extended the baby to me gently.

Supporting his head and little body with my arm I smiled down at the baby who looked up at me and smiled an adorable toothless grin and gently babbled to me in response. 

The babies darkened eyes had been a bit unnerving when he was in Asuka's deafening presence but now that I was holding him they seemed really adorable on his milky complexion.

"Hi Avon. You are so cute!", Atsumu said gently while smiling down at the baby even further.

"Well just steal our baby brother why don't you?", I heard Sakusa mutter as I felt the smirk he shot me through his mask without even looking his way.

"Oop, well too bad, he likes me now", I said teasingly while playfully sticking my tongue out at him.

"Whatever", he said back with a tiny roll of his eyes though I felt his teasing nature escaping him as I walked towards him with Avon who still babbled and kept smiling up at me with his dimples going in every time.

"Hello, I'm your big brother. You don't know this yet but the man holding you will soon be your family as well even though he basically already is", Sakusa said with a wink my way as he allowed the baby to clench his little fist around Sakusa's slender index finger.

"Let's not use my baby brother as a flirting anchor, but you weren't wrong", Ushijima grunted out as he came closer as well, Avon looked up at him and stopped smiling and I collectively held my breath to see how this would go since Ushijima's face was as cold as ice as he just had a staring match with the baby.

Finally after moment of this Avon giggled a little and beamed up at Ushijima who let a smile of his own dawn his face, this was one of the only times I'd ever seen him blatantly smile the way he did right now so I was kind of awed for a minute.

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