؋ Gremlin's Arrival ؋

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Atsumu's (P.O.V) ~

So after that very dramatic and very bloody fight not only did I fall face first on a dead body after tripping but I also made it up fast enough to watch Ushijima literally dragging what looked like a dead inside Sakusa by his arm into the building.

I wanted to go with them since Sakusa was really looking like something was wrong but I left that to Ushijima since he seemed to know what he was doing so I instead focused my attention to getting off the body that had broken my fall.

After standing up I brushed off my clothes only to be tackled from behind and two arms squeezed the air from my lungs while I was pulled back into a familiar feeling body.

"Samu?", I said as I patted the hands encircling my waist.

"I can't believe you Tsumu", came the reply as my twin rubbed his chin into my hair.

"What'd I do this time?", I asked with a heavy sigh as I already knew what was coming.

"You were literally in the middle of the battlefield beside the fucking boss! What do you mean what did you do? How the hell did you not die anyway? Did he let you stand there beside him?!?", He was spouting out words faster than my brain could process them as he grilled me while still squeezing me into him.

"Oh. . . About that. Yeah I asked him could I be there in the fight next to him like Ushijima does, I am not sure why I wanted to but I just had this feeling to do it so I did and I wasn't scared at all even with people trying to kill me", I said calmly as my mind began whirling at the sensations I felt while fighting beside them.

"You-", he began but stopped mid sentence before letting me go slowly.

Turning around I eyed his expression and he simply stood there with a blank poker face as he gazed at me.


"Just. Be careful okay? I won't give you a pointless lecture over things already done and because you did look seriously badass out there so I'm proud but please don't get yourself hurt being around them", he said and his blank mask changed into a worried expression.

"Alright I promise I'll be careful when dealing with them okay?", I replied while grabbing his left hand that was at his side.

"Okay I'm not sure why you find them so interesting though, mind filling me in?", he asked while linking our fingers together the same way we used to as kids when we made a promise.

"I'll tell you later once I figure out my own feelings about them since I don't even know what about them draws me in. . .", I mumbled the last part as I trailed off not wanting to continue this conversation and Samu caught on so he cleared his throat and released my hand.

"Well now that this is over lets go help with the clean up since the cleaners are struggling with all the hundreds of bodies", he said while walking away.

Following him we met up with the rest of the team and Oikawa kept pestering me over why was I with the bosses during the fight and as we helped move the bodies to the burning location for disposal a lot of the members were in awe of how a single newbie made his way up to the top with the bosses when even some experienced members didn't have that pleasure.

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