You want what..? (S-U-A EXTRA PT: 1)

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Sakusa's P.O.V ~

Today we were going to be celebrating Ushijima's birthday, usually for this I just took him out to where he wished to go which was typically the beach because he loved it there or a restaurant of his choosing along with giving him whatever gift I had chosen for him but because this time not only were we lovers but Atsumu was involved, so this birthday was going to be one to remember it seemed...

"Hey Kusaaa!", came Atsumu's shout from upstairs making me sigh with a shake of my head as I put the oven mitts in my hands down and made my way up the stairs.

Walking into our bedroom I cam to a full stop and was in complete shock at the sight before me, Atsumu was rolled on his side on the floor covered in a somehow tightly bound red ribbon that was tied together in the middle of his stomach right above his boy shorts. Other than those he had on no clothes and he looked up at me with relief once he saw my form in the doorway.

"There you are!", he said as he shuffled closer to me on the floor.

"What are you even doing right now Atsu?", I asked as I watched him squirm like a worm on the floor.

"I'm practicing being Ushi's present as you should be", he said so seriously I lost it and burst out laughing right then and there making him glare at me from his wrapped up position on the floor making me only laugh harder than before.

"Y-you're what?", I managed to get out as small chuckles kept coming out of me just watching him.

"Weeee are Ushi's presents! Of course we will still buy him gifts duh- but I mean we are his bigger and better presents", he said with a smile as he finally rolled himself close enough that his chest hit my socked foot.

"Wow Atsu- just wow", was all I could say as I bent down and poked at his wrapped body making him squirm.

"Hey~ Just untie me will ya? I don't want him to see yet", Atsumu said and I just playfully rolled my eyes before tugging the huge bow in the middle and it unraveled the entire thing making him sit up and look at me.

"So what ya think?", he asked looking genuinely serious.

"You... you really want us to do this for him?", I asked in disbelief.

"Of course we should, what better way to get in some playtime for our man than to be his naked gifts when he comes home?", he said so seriously I almost felt scared from the sheer ridiculousness this was.

"I- I do not think this is a good idea", I finally said after a moment.

"Why? Too chicken to reveal all that wrapped skin for Ushi?", he said suddenly with his eyebrows raised.

"What? Of course not! It's just.... unethical", I said eventually and Atsumu watched my face before rolling his eyes.

"Yeah okay- chicken", he said the last part fast making me look up at him quickly.

"What'd you just call me?", I asked slowly and he rolled his eyes again.

"C. H. I. C. K. E. N. I said chicken", he said after spelling the word out slowly keeping his eyes locked on mine.

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