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Get out of here. Get out of here. Just fucking get out of here.


Plug the key, turn the ignition - the engine runs.

"Perth Tanapon, listen to me - your mother - this instant!"

Warming up, melting ice on the hood. Change the gear and slams the acceleration.


Get the fuck out of here.

He was fuming. He couldn't stay there any longer. It was suffocating, it was constricting, it was definitely the last straw.

Perth Tanapon thought it might work - his father would at least understand he didn't want this, he didn't want any of this at all - but he was wrong. His father was nowhere near negotiating his options because to him, Perth Tanapon was his son, his protégé and that was all he ever will be. It didn't matter that Perth had different dreams, it didn't matter that Perth wanted a different direction for his life - no - it didn't matter. All he sees in his son was the smart boy who would take over his empire.

But Perth didn't want that.

He wanted to be free, to travel, to make music, to do what he was passionate about. Not stay in school for five to six or even ten years just so he could end up like his father. All cooped up in his office or laboratory, head stuck between layers of books and books, now, Perth didn't mind books - in fact he loved reading but it wasn't anything like the books his father was so immersed in. He loves poems; he loves literature while his father loves books written in technical words, numbers and science.

He did tolerate it for a while. He was an obedient child, going to an excellent private school with grades that soared the sky. But in college, after he had discovered the music club, after he met his friends, after he had performed in loads and loads of street performances or even so stage performances whenever needed - Perth realised that his dreams and his father's dreams were different. It was two ends of a different coloured string, tied up together but never will they match. And it was no way it could work out for him anymore.

So he gathered up all his nerves to face his father - drove all the way out to his family home - to at least negotiate something about this whole heir to the fucking company situation and it all end up in rejection. All his proposals for his father to give up the company to his sister at least when he wanted to retire was shut completely down and thrown out of the window. Not once his father even bothered asking for his say in this and he completely tuned Perth out.

The reason why he had pushed his mother aside to escape the damn place. The reason why he stormed out, racing his car out of their home compound despite his mother crying by the front door.

Now Perth had set the car in a steady pace after slightly calming down but hands was still gripping the steering wheel tightly, knuckles turning white as he did so. It wasn't safe to drive in such horrid icy weather with the speed that goes beyond the limit but it was hard for Perth, whenever he thought of the argument he had earlier in his father's home office, he'd find himself stepping on the accelerator harder that he had to remind himself not to.

It was quiet in the car; he had settled Ed Sheeran's cd in the player, letting play lightly in the background. Oh how wonderful it was to be born as Ed Sheeran, Perth thought, no responsibilities such as his, no worries such as his with his father's company - his life must've been wonderful. Just travelling around playing music or in the studio creating music and that was all Perth wanted. He couldn't help but feel such envy in those people who are free to make their own decisions, paint a picture of their own journey when he was trapped in his fabricated life.

His thoughts were cut short when he heard a sound in a far distance, like a siren blasting through the air. It was like a prison siren, like whenever a convict had escape - not that Perth had ever experienced it in real life, it was the ones in movies, that is. That's funny; Perth thought to himself, he didn't remember a prison nearby the roads. The only thing he knew that was beyond the trees that lined the roads was his father's company's laboratory. Perth only had been there once or twice and that was when he was younger. It was an all white building with electric fences surrounding it and security was tight as hell. Perth didn't like it one bit because being in there was like being in the hospital and he hated hospitals. Nothing good every came out of it except probably a temporary escape for death.

There were loads of men in white, some were like hospital attendants and some were wearing lab coats, Perth  recalled, they must've been his father's colleagues, fellow scientists slash doctors slash nut jobs that help run his father's pharmaceutical company. There were also loads of corridors, if he wasn't mistaken, mind you he hadn't been there for quiet sometime but he remembered one room with a lot of animals in cages - he hated the sight. Probably the reason why he hated that place. It wasn't only the place where he will have his dreams crushed but it was also a place of torture for such innocent, helpless animals.

Yes, his father had received letters of complaint from the animal rights association but he managed to escape summon or prison when he claimed he stopped those tests ran on living animals. Perth thought it was a lie. He was pretty sure his father had them locked out somewhere in the basement or something of the damn building so no one would notice.

Well, whatever was going on the in that place was not his problem and the siren - well fuck it, he didn't care.

His phone buzzed and Perth mentally groaned when he had accidentally press the answer button to his father. He could hear his father's voice on the other line but instead of cancelling the call, he pressed the phone to his ear while his other hand firm on the steering wheel.

"Father" he greeted into the receiver calmly but his insides, it could explode.

"if you think I'd still fund you after you ran off like that, you're wrong" he heard the older man spoke, voice threatening but yet, relatively as calm as he was "you want to pursue that hopeless dream of yours, go ahead. But it'll be out of your own pocket. I give till the Monday to decide before I cancel your bank accounts."

And just as the line went dead, Perth didn't have time to even bother what had been said to him because his attention had almost instantaneously been brought to a small figure in the middle of the road. He slammed his brakes with both of his feet and he could hear the tires screeching on the cold ground, the car finding it hard to stop after such speed but it managed, just mere inches from the figure's body.

"Fucking shit" Perth cursed, seeing that the boy didn't even flinch from the near collision. He clumsily unbuckled his seat belt and threw the door open, not caring the cold air that hit his face because he was fuming, yelling, "Are you fucking mental!?

His anger dissipated when he saw the stunning person standing before him. As if the beauty itself radiating off the small human had just blew away all the fumes he had. Blue eyes stared at him with such suspicion - Perth couldn't help but to find the fear in those eyes beautiful. It was almost inhuman, how the blue of his eyes stood out more than anything else that's covered in snow or it was Perth who was simply bewitched by the strange boy? He didn't know for sure.

Because everything went too fast, he didn't had the time to admire the boy when he was suddenly pushed down to the ground, the sharp edge of a broken piece of glass pressed close to his throat - ready to slice his jugular apart.

Perth feared this might be the end for him. He certainly didn't see his life ending in the hands of such a mesmerizing male.

This is Saint's eyes which is abnormally blue.

•••••••This is Saint's eyes which is abnormally blue

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