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Perth returned an hour later with four flavours of ice cream.

He would take longer, driving through farther roads just so he could get his mind clear enough to think but he couldn't. Not when he knew Son was at home, with his children in his belly, waiting for him. And not when he knew Boun would be there.

What will he do if he went back home finding Boun gone along with Son? Returning him to Perth's father in order to salvage him?

"Your father and his team created Son's child bearing abilities and I believe they're the experts at it. Sending Son to a normal hospital despite explaining to them what happened has more risks as they are not familiar with Son's condition. Your father would know what to do. They managed to maintain Son's and the baby's health last time - until Son ran away."

Perth was able to breathe a sigh of relief when he stepped into the warm air of his and Prem's apartment because Boun was still there, comforting a crying Prem on the sofa. For a moment Perth stood with the door closed watching the couple. Prem had his knees to his chest; crying and mumbling about how Son didn't deserve all this, how there must be another way to save him. Boun leaned in close to Prem, hand rubbing up and down soothingly on Prem's shoulder.

"Don't you get it, Perth? Your father is the best chance Son's got."

Then Boun held Prem at the back of his neck and connected their lips together. Prem completely melting in the arms of his ex-lover.

"Do you want him to die?"

Perth took it as a signal to leave; he tore his eyes away from the kissing couple and headed towards the kitchen. His very presence went completely unnoticed by two of his mates. Perth wouldn't dwell too much about it; he would spare the couple awkward excuses they need to make up for their kiss. Honestly, Perth thinks they should just get back together already. All of these pulling and pushing was a waste of time. If only they would just realise how much their differences was the main reason why they should end up together and the fact that they needed each other.

He placed four scoops, all different flavours (chocolate, vanilla, strawberry shortcake and mint), in a bowl, searched for any sprinkles available anywhere in the kitchen (there was none) and headed back to where his little Son was waiting only to find him already sound asleep. But before he can turn around to place the bowl of ice cream into the freezer for later, a small whimper was heard coming from the boy.

"I want my ice cream" Son mumbled, half asleep.

Perth snorted, making his way back "Your ice cream is here, babe."

Putting the bowl on the night stand, Perth helped the pregnant boy onto a more upright position. Just reaching five months, Son looked severely affected by the whole pregnancy - his stomach bigger than expected (not as big as a nine monther though).

Perth watched as Son's face lit up and a small squeal escaped his mouth when Perth handed him his bowl. The boy eagerly took a spoonful, sighing delightedly as his taste buds were fulfilled. Perth just observed Son with pure adoration in his usual spot beside the bed.

Moments passed and Perth let Son finish his ice cream while he lay his head on Son's lap his hand caressing the swell of the boy' tummy. It was such a wonder. Perth never knew he wanted so much to be a part of this - a part of his children's lives, a father. If he were to ask whether he was ready months ago he would answer no but now, he would do anything, anything at all to ensure Son and his twins were safe.

Anything at all? Really now, Perth, his mind taunted. Boun's words replayed again and again in his head. It was just as when he met Son - his mind couldn't rest, he couldn't help but worry and the fact that he was finally establishing feelings for the younger one wasn't helping in the slightest bit. It made him even more stressed than usual.

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