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"Where are we going?" Son questioned Perth that morning when the lad woke him up a bit too early for his liking. He was grumpy and groggy, half of his fringe sticking up from his forehead, wanting nothing but to lie back down and close his eyes under the covers.

"We're going to see Boun" Perth answered simply, tugging on Son's pajama top (more precisely, his pajama top) signaling him to lift his arms up so Perth could take the clothing off him.

Son groaned and pouted, eyes barely open yet he obliged to Perth's orders. Perth pulled Son up and gently guided him into the bathroom, telling the boy to wash his face and brush his teeth while he pick out Son's outfit for the day. Son rubbed his eyes (though they were still closed) and nodded; reaching out blindly for his toothbrush that Perth bought him.

Once he was sure Son wasn't going to fall asleep standing infront of the sink, Perth walked back into his room and opened his drawer. He pulled out a Ramone's t-shirt and a red jumper with a green collar his Nan knitted for Christmas two years ago (or longer). But then he realised that the red was too bright, too Christmas-y and if Son was to wear it outside, he would definitely attract attention. No doubt he'll look adorable in it, like how he looks every single day, the jumper being (as usual) too big for him. Not today though, Perth thought, he didn't want any attention on the boy, he wanted to make Son as invisible as possible knowing how the men who was looking for him was out there - still searching.

So he chose his thick black jumper (his favourite), the pair of skinnies Son wore last time he went out and he also pulled out a dark green scarf to go with his beanie. The outfit was set out on his bed and he searched around for his old glasses. When he decided to overlook the outfit for Son again, he face palmed because it looked almost the same with the outfit he made Son wear the last time they went out. He had no choice though, he wouldn't want to make a single mistake and ends up with losing Son by the end of the day - no he wouldn't risk it. Not ever.

"I thought Boun is coming over to have a look at me?" A small voice spoke making Perth turn around. Son was finished, his face pink from the short wash and eyes still hooded from the sleepiness. He was fidgeting; his arm crossed over his lower abdomen in attempt to hide the scar that has been there since god knows when. Perth knew Son was insecure about the scar, having it remind him every time he looked in the mirror what happened to him in that dreadful place and even to Perth, every time he sees the scar he felt the familiar heat of anger rush within him, knowing people had hurt Son, his Son. Wait, his?

Perth walked over to where Son stood and cupped his face within his hands, pulling his head gently towards him so he could kiss the smaller boy's cheek "He was supposed to, but he remembered he didn't have any portable equipment he could bring over so we have no choice, babe."

"But I don't want to..." Saint whined, pouting once more "I'm tired. I want to sleep and I want you to do that thing where you would lie behind me and hug me and kiss me and we could fall asleep together."

Perth chuckled, "you mean spooning, my dear."

"Yes, spooning. Please, Perth?"

"I'm sorry, Son, we could go later but Boun is only free before office hours today and we really need to know what's going on with you before we take further action." What Perth meant by further action could mean two things and he didn't know which was more important.

Son leaned into Perth's chest, whining in incomprehensible words about how he didn't want to go and how he hated the hospital.

"Alright, how about a bargain? Have Boun look at you and later, I'll take you to the theater you wanted to go so much?" Son's head perked up a bit - he was listening "you be good and let Boun check you up the rewards would be; we'll go see a movie and get ice cream - I promise you."

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