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The situation was pretty fucked up. Literally.

Perth decided to digress on the subject and make tea. He sat Son down in the living area, turning on the telly hoping somehow, Son would find an interesting show on and be totally captivated by it while he makes them the hot beverage that when he comes back, the boy would totally forget his question.

But Son didn't. Perth returned with two mugs of Masala tea along with sugar cubes and milk but Son's eyes were on him. Son was sitting on his haunches; his torso leaned onto the coffee table as he followed Perth to where he was, eager to learn this particularly new word. He looked like a child ( which he was) completely excited about school on the first day, but like any other child, Perth feared he'd lose interest once he found out that school is such a bore, in Son's case, completely terrified of him after knowing the meaning of 'fuck'.

"Would you tell me now, Perth?" Son pestered, not bothered by the tea Perth handed him.

Perth sighed, defeated. Son was never going to let this go, he was sure of it.

"Have you not heard that word before?" he asked gently, lacing his fingers together and putting them on the coffee table as he too sat on the ground.

"Well, I did" Son replied, recalling his days back when he was still locked behind metal doors in a room that smelled like disinfectant "I could hear them talk loudly, the men in white, sometimes they would say they want to 'fUck' girls with large bosoms and sometimes I could hear they associate fuck with me - like you just did. But I never really knew what they meant, never really bothered to ask them" Son shrugged, letting out a single chuckle.

And oh boy was Perth in deep shit. How was he going to explain to this completely naïve boy that he did not meant what he said like what those people did? It's obvious when Son heard those man said they'd want to fuck Son they meant forcing it on him but what Perth would mean, what he really wanted to do was not just have intercourse with the boy but rather gently, very gently make love to him. If he failed to convince Son the real meaning behind his words it could end up in a pretty dire situation where Son would be terrified of him because he would think that Perth is aftering the same thing those men did -his body.

He didn't want that. He didn't want Son to look at him again with frightened eyes. He didn't want to lose that fondness he saw in those pretty blues whenever Son smiled at him.

So he decided to go slow. Very slow.

"Saint do you know what a vagina is?" Perth asked, trying his best to keep a straight face. Being a student in the medical, such terms wasn't as humorous as it sounded when he was in secondary school. Back then he and the boys would snicker especially at the word labia - now, thinking of it, Perth found it rather childish, but that was what he was then, a child, like Son.

Son blinked - he thought he knew what it meant but he could be wrong.

Perth, however, didn't wait for his answer "It's what women got between their legs."

"Oh" Son nodded, he knew what they were even when he never saw them - he knew his mother and sister had it. He remembered his mother telling he couldn't take baths with his sister and her anymore because he was growing old and that they were different. Son misses his mother.

"And do you know what a penis is?"

Son lit up slightly, he knew what those are, his mother used to pointed it out "A peen! We go pee pee with it."

Perth chuckled fondly - Son was just too precious.

"Yes, you're right. So, if a man and a woman love or really like each other - they'll fuck. Which means the peen goes into the vagina." - And with all sorts of other pre-sex acts but, Son doesn't need to know that, well, not yet, Perth thought.

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