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There were good news and bad news.

The good news were, Son didn't actually sustain any tear on his rear that needed stitching though Boun had to clean the area with alcohol to prevent any infection and that his fever was most probably due to stress or trauma from such ordeal and that it would wear off soon with proper medication. Son wasn't critically ill - just traumatized enough that his body didn't know how to react, explained the older man to Prem.

On the other hand, the bad news was Boum wouldn't be able to confirm whether Son was pregnant or not. It was recent, too recent, that no pregnancy test would clear their doubts on whether Perth had impregnated the little boy or not. Even with the ultrasounds prior that proved Son had viable eggs, there were no guaranteed any of Perth's seed managed to fertilise them.

"He didn't bleed too much which is good" Boun said as he covered Son's body with the duvet after examining him, "Just let him rest. Make sure he eats, sleep, drink plenty of water. He needs to recover both physically and mentally."

The blue eyed boy was fast asleep. He had woken up earlier when Boun inspected his rear for severe injuries, Prem holding him the whole time - luckily there was none. After Boun giving him a few temperature reducing tablets, Son was out like light.

"If he is pregnant, can you do something about the- it?" Prem asked, unsure on how to approach the subject. The very subject about male pregnancy was still so surreal to him - it was something he only imagined happening in fan fictions, even when Boun had shown him all the evidence that it was possible in Son's case, thanks to Professor Jack Tanapon p.

Boun sighed, stuffing his stethoscope inside his bag along with the calipers and excess alcohol swabs he snatched from the hospital, "Honestly speaking, I don't know." The doctor stood up straight and fixed his black rimmed glasses. "I've never seen a case of a male being pregnant."

"Don't women take pills? Like morning after pills or some shit?"

"Son is not a woman. I may have an idea on how the hormones he has in his body is regulated but I don't know what will happen if I temper with it. If I make a single wrong move, I might hurt him, Premie."

It had been a while since he heard that pet name came out of Boun's mouth. It had always been something comforting to him but Prem knew he needed to get over Boun as soon as possible after they broke up if it means getting his heart mended, hence the reason why he made Boun swore not to call him any names that he used to when they were still together. It was the same on Prem's side, though he missed calling Boun, baby Boun or just plain darling or dear, he refrained himself for doing so - they needed to fall apart.

But somehow, at that moment, Prem didn't mind it. It gave him some how of ease to his mind.

"Look, nothing is confirmed, and there's nothing more we could do - everything is done, it happened, Perth-," Boun stopped and cleared his throat, glancing over to where Son was on the bed- glad that the boy was still asleep, "You- you don't worry your pretty head over it, alright?" the bulkier lad ran a hand down Prem's face almost too lovingly it sent a knife to Prem's heart.

"Everything is up to Son. If he ever decides to forgive him..."

Boun nodded to the statement, agreeing. "I'll be off now. I'll come by to check on Son tomorrow."

Prem watched as Boun hooked the bag to his shoulder then turning, moving towards the door to leave. The whole view of Boun's back was too sentimental, it reminded him too much of when Boun left after they agreed to break up. The heaviness in his chest every time he watched Boun leave, the tears that welled up in his eyes every time he thinks that there must be some other way, it could always end up differently.

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