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The next time Perth blinked, he watched Son being taken away by two large men in white, both of their faces expressionless as they dragged the smaller boy.

Son trashed his body around, one hand still holding on to Perth's. Tears streamed down his face as he screamed for the lad, begging him to not let the men take him back to where they could keep him locked up and no one could hear him, where everyone treated him like an animal.

Perth tried to pull him back, holding on tight to Son's hand like it was his life line. He demanded that those men let Son go but his and Son's cries fell onto deaf ears. The men kept pulling and so did Perth. Though Perth had been working out, going to the gym to work on his upper body, the strength of two men familiar with this kind of situation made it seem easy for them and Perth was just a thin rope pulling connecting an anchor to a ship washed away by waves.

Eventually the rope will snap, the force of the waves far to great just how Son's tiny hands slipped out of Perth's larger ones and he watched as the boy that he grew to care in just a few days be taken away from him into the building he recognized as his father's company's laboratory.

Darkness devoured him and the next time he was able to open his eyes, he was inside the building. The hallways seemed to stretch forever and there were a variety noises. Those noises were made by the animals in the cages, screeching, growling, fretting, hoping that their fate would change, that somehow by making these noises, by slamming their paws, scratching their claws on the metal walls would somehow free them from their confinements. All hopes were lost but they didn't seem like they were ready to give up any moment even with such certain unfortunate future.

There was one sound, one voice, made by one person in particular, that caught Perth's attention. The voice of a young boy, a young tortured boy, stood out against every single deafening sound there was in the hallway. And Perth chased after that voice, running as fast as he could across the hallway, running after the voice as it became nearer with every step he took. The noises of those animals, they seemed to be bouncing off the walls only that they came from nowhere, there were no cages in sight, not a single animal even, just white walls, clean white walls that created a pseudo image of how everything was. Pure white, tainted by red blood was more like it in Perth's mind. The perfect description for his father's laboratory. Creating pharmaceutics to increase the quality of life but behind closed doors, they tortured another.

Perth finally reached a single door at the end of the hallway. It was large, grey and metal. There wasn't any knob, just a key card slot and a small doggie chute, probably used to slot in meals for the subject - more precisely, prisoner - they kept inside.

Perth banged on the door, calling out for Son who he could clearly hear his voice from where he was standing. It seems like the other noises had disappeared and all Perth could hear was grunting, murmurs, the sound of skin being slapped and Son crying, coming from the inside. Don't hurt him, Perth begged for the people inside, anger building inside him when he heard one of those men shutting Son up with a slap to his face. Perth grew impatient and desperate. An innocent boy was being abused on the other side. More precisely, an innocent boy he grew to care for was being abused on the inside and Perth count just stand there doing nothing.

He kneeled down, got on his fours and peeked through the chute.

What he wasn't hoping for was right before his eyes. Son was pinned down to the bed, his arms held by two men as one particularly large man, with a beer belly had his pants down and he was shoving his manhood, forcefully, into the helpless boy. With each thrust the man made Son screamed, his face red and puffy from the pain and crying.

Perth cried for Son, he hit the ground with his fists as he yelled at those men to stop and calling out for the boy with pretty blue eyes, telling him to stay strong, keep awake because it will all be over soon though he wasn't sure of that himself. A part of him was able to go through the chute and it was his arm, so Perth reached in, reaching out his hand for Son to grab it. But Son didn't seem to notice that Perth was there, that Perth was reaching out for him. His eyes were shut tight as he struggled with every little energy left in his body, fighting those men, not wanting them to ever think they could have him easily. And then Perth finally saw Son's body went limp yet the man's movements didn't falter one bit. Even though they had abused him till losing his consciousness, they didn't even have little sympathy for the boy to stop. They went on with their barbaric actions, laughing at how Son was no longer awake and how it was easier for them now.

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