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A colour so devastating in Perth's eyes. Its vermillion hue stained everything that was once pure. It was blood Perth found Son in, blood that followed suit, blood that stained the back seat of his car after he defiled Son and it was certainly bloodied hands he was staring into when he awaits outside for news of Son - who was whisked away the moment he arrived at his father's facility. 

He was certain he hasn't gone through some of the corridors, it was a passageway that leads him to the deepest part of the laboratory - where all the secrets lie and maybe, where Saint Suppapong became Son. But, of course, he didn't think of where he was is called the depths of hell, as his mind was all wrapped up around Son and his babies. 

It had been hours. Prem and Yacht was outside, so Perth was alone, nothing surrounding him but white walls and the sound of animals in cages in a far distance. His mind couldn't be bothered about it as he could only concentrate on how scarlet Son's blood was on him, on his hands and jumper, and whether Son would be alright. 

Upon arrival, Son was unconscious. The boy didn't even realise he was being brought back to the place he tried to escape. He didn't realise that Perth had broken another one of his promises - that was to never let the men that held Son once, have him again. And Perth feared of what will occur once he did. Son would probably will never forgive Perth, won't even let him see his children and it scared him senseless of that possibility but somehow, deep down, Perth knew that this was the right thing.

He was saving Son, and his babies, and if Son couldn't forgive him afterwards, he'd understand because Son was important to him. 

One of the two large doors creaked open and his after appeared complete in a suit. Perth stood once he saw the man - face florid with anger, Perth presumed. Yet his father never screamed whenever he looked like that. Jack Tanapon was always composed and sophisticated. That was the scary part; no one knew when he'd blow or when he'd fire anyone.

The senior Tanapon looked over his son, face still unreadable and Perth could die from the way his heart was thumping against his chest. His father sighed, then began walking away with a few last words that Perth swore when he heard them, his stomach dropped to the ground. 

"Clean up and meet me in my office."




He tried washing the stain away in one of the restrooms, but somehow no matter how hard he scrubbed the blood on his jumper, it wouldn't disappear - just like the uneasiness he was feeling in his heart. 




"Do you think he'll be alright?" Yacht asked as he shivered. Waiting outside the facility in the cold was certainly a bad idea. He leaned his body back onto the railing of the stairs and tipped his head back - his hair matted onto his forehead. The blue sky hidden behind white clouds, beautiful, too beautiful to be on such a dreadful day. 

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