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"I need you to do something for me, Prem. Yacht."




There were two guards in grey suits in front of the door whom when Perth flashed them his identification card, let him in. Perth took note of that. The guards were rather large, as tall as Perth but bulkier, and they wore black shades hiding away their eyes. They reminded Perth of the men in black even though the suits they had on were of lighter hue. They certainly looked like they were trained to keep an important (rather expensive) object in place.

"Perth" he heard a weak voice call as he stepped into the heavily guarded room.

A small boy lay on a hospital bed with various kinds of wires attached to his forearm, chest and stomach. Two steady beating sounds heard from one of the machines, and Perth's eyes couldn't help but water. Water at the way Son was looking at him, smiling tiredly and the tears spilled out like a dam when he realised the steady beating sounds were from his babies, his twins, his and Son's little kittens as Son would call them.

"Baby" Perth wheezed, rushing by Son's side yet still careful of the many wires littering the ground.

The younger of the two giggled, reaching out his hand to wipe the tears on Perth's face "Our kittens are fine! I can hear them! Those are our kittens, right, Perth?"

Perth nodded, leaning into Son's gentle touch "yes, yes, those are our babies."

It wasn't loud but the heart beats filled the background other than Son's own heart monitor and it was surprisingly comforting to Perth's ears - to know that the three most important people in his life were okay. Son's colour had returned to his face somewhat, thanks to the blood transfusion still going on with one of the lines to the dorsum of his left hand. On the right hand however, was clear fluid. There was another line to his neck - a central venous line - and Perth presumed there is where they set Son's total parenteral nutrition, since he's not eating well.

"How are you feeling, sweetheart?" Perth asked as he pulled over a chair to Son's bedside, sitting on it then lacing his fingers with Son's.

"Better" Son stated, his legs moved underneath the covers "it stopped hurting. And there's no more blood."

"That's good. Did the doctors - did anyone treat you bad while I wasn't here?"

Son shook his head to that because it was true, well, he wasn't awake till an hour ago but so far only a nurse had seen him and she was extremely nice to him. Even her touch was tender, almost loving, like a mother's - not that he remembered a lot of his mother, just bits and pieces of memories here and there.

"What's on your mind, love?" Perth wanted to know, seeing how Son's eyes seemed to be staring into the distance.

Jumping a little, Son smiled warmly at Perth and placed his hand over the swell of his belly " I just - I was just thinking that I - I'll never leave my babies like my mum left me."

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