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The last thing Perth wanted to hear - was her voice.


The annoyingly high pitched girly voice - as if she had been concealing her normal voice by constricting her vocal cords - the voice belonging to none other than Margaret Green. Perth had even theorized (with Yacht) at the back of the class one afternoon, whilst trying to make it seem like they were concentrating on the types of spinal fractures presented by a fellow class mate upfront, that the reason why Margaret was speaking through her nose annoyingly was because if she were to speak trough her mouth like normal people would, whales would start committing a mass suicide.

Of course, they seen it happen at parties where the red haired lass with bright eyes had too much to drink but apparently (to their utter disappointment), no news of whale carcasses found stranded on shore the morning after. She sounded like an old English lady who had gone mad because her tea wasn't thick enough or there was no sugar in it, tossing her cup all over the air with her pinky perked up screaming "who dare not put sugar in my tea!?"

Well, she wasn't using that old womanly voice when she's infront of Perth of course; instead, she was using that almost squealing tone girls use to show a guy that she's absolutely interested in him. It sounded more like a mating call to be honest and the first thing Yacht did when he heard her call for Perth was gave him a pat on the shoulder (he watched Perth grimace upon hearing her voice) then walking away, telling him he'll text later on.

Perth was left to turn slowly and smiled awkwardly at the girl excitedly jogging over to him.

"Hey" she greeted, slightly breathless, "you didn't call me last weekend."

Perth quirked a brow, looking rather confused "was I supposed to?"

And Margaret laughed, tossing her red locks back but then realising that Perth was genuinely asking her that question, so she cleared her throat and fixed the purple long coat she had on "you always call me on weekends. What, you have a new girl over?"

No, more like a new little boy over(that sounded wrong)( shit, Perth mentally slapped himself for that).. Perth couldn't tell her that the reason why he didn't call her over to have sex (which they did almost every weekend for the past three months) was because he found a beautiful blue boy with radioactive pair of blue eyes with a heartbreaking past (not to mention the presence of a uterus within him). Margaret would freak out and demand to see him, knowing her - Perth knew she couldn't keep her mouth shut so it's better to just lie this time around.

"I had - uh- a cousin over" Perth answered, nails scratching his scalp, "I got busy the whole weekend entertaining him."

Hearing the word him, Margaret's frown broke into a wide grin.

"Well, why won't you tell me, silly, we could always have that annoying housemate of yours baby sit him while you come over my house" she winked, inching closer to Perth and when the taller lad inched backwards, she moved forwards, grabbing seductively the collar of his hoodie.

"What about tonight? You can come over and we could -" Margaret licked her lips, wiping some of the red lipstick she had on off "we could study anatomy together."

Perth held her by the shoulders and gently pushed her off him. Nothing could compare to the surprised look she had on her face because that usually works on men. Margaret Green was known for her full lips and the way she licks it could send some nosebleeds going. And yes, it worked on getting Perth to take her home the few nights before, what was so different now?

The answer to that question was back at the Perth and Prem's apartment. Prem had to work and Perth had morning classes so Son had to stay at home alone, the reason why Perth was so eager to return home. He wants to make sure that the house wasn't burn down or in a mess and more importantly, Son wasn't hurt.

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