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"What happened!?" was the first two words that Prem blurted out when Son came running to him that evening.

The hiring of fresh young faces at the café allowed Prem to finish his shift by five, it could mean two things - he was getting promoted soon or he was going to be let go, he wished for the former of course, it was hard enough to find jobs that would take someone that was only a secondary school graduate.

When he returned home he expected to see Perth and Son cuddled together on the sofa since his best mate didn't have class for the whole day, but when the house was found empty, he deduced that Perth had taken Son somewhere special after their meeting with Boun (the one that Prem regretted not taking the day off to go with them because then he would be able to see his ex boyfriend he still love dearly). The brand new canvas and art supplies (in which he bought on the way back home)he planned on gifting to Son in order to help him express his suppressed feelings was kept aside and Prem made tea for himself before settling in front of the telly for some crappy day time shows.

As the day progresses, he was nearly dozing off, when the front door was abruptly opened and a very distraught Saint came crying in, calling out his name.

It alarmed Prem because Son was crying terribly and the thought that something horrific happened to him sent Prem off his feet, opening his arms llowi the smaller boy to grasp onto his body, crying into his shirt. The boy's knees buckled, sending both him and Prem dropped onto the floor.

"Oh, Saint! What happened, sweetheart, tell me," he coaxed gently, rubbing on Son's back. Worry overcame him because Perth was nowhere to be seen.

Had something terrible happened to the both of them? Was Perth caught that Son was sent home alone to call for help from Prem?

"Perth!" the younger one wailed, gripping tightly to Prem's body but anymore words that came out of his mouth were incoherent as they were mixed with his crying.

Prem held the trembling boy closer, tighter, assuring he was safe in his arms, "Where's Perth, Son? Did something happen to him?" An image of Perth being beaten up by a bunch of thugs came to mind but he ignored it, hoping it wasn't true.

Son shook his head, hiding his face to Prem's neck as he cried. The amount of tears was large enough that it soaked the shirt the older lad was wearing.

Just when Prem was about to ask again of what happened to Perth, because if he didn't find out he might just need to call the authorities, the man in question appeared at the door, eyes rimmed red and puffy, guilt written all over his face as his shoulders sag.

Confused and thinking that his best mate had somehow been attacked but made it back unharmed, Prem had to reconfirm it was him in the first place, "Perth?"

Son whimpered, making himself as small as possible in Prem's arms - trying to hide away from the eyes that were pleading him for forgiveness. Of course Son didn't see that, he was trying his best to avoid eye contact with his saviour - the amount of hurt Perth caused upon him couldn't compare because he though that Perth might actually care for him, just as he cared for Perth.

"No..."he whined, his arms around Prem tightened, afraid that Prem would pass him over to Perth. Son didn't want Perth at the moment. He didn't even want to be near him, and it broke Perth's heart seeing how the small boy was, knowing the cause.

"Shh, sweetheart, Shh," Prem soothed, rubbing gently on Son's back before picking the boy up. Even though he wanted to pry of the events that happened before they returned - as it was clearly suspicious - it was obvious that Son was restless and fraught around Perth, so he stood up with Son attached to him like a koala to a tree, he brought Son into his room and closed the door.

While Perth slumped to the ground, buried his face into his hands and weep.

It felt like infinity to Perth, even though in reality it was about half an hour later, when Prem stormed out of his room. He was expecting for his friend from years ago to attack him, lunge at him and beat the shit out of him and he wouldn't resist, he would just let Prem do as he pleased because he deserved it. He was the one that hurt Son, his precious Son, betrayed his trust - as a matter of fact, he deserved so much more than a beating because dammit, he was the one who was supposed to shield Son from such destruction, he was supposed to. But he couldn't.

He did the same thing his father did. Forcing something upon someone. Just as his father forced Son to become a science experiment, Perth forced himself into Son.

He thought he wasn't like his father, just as Son thought too, but he was. Son was wrong. Perth was his father. He was his father's son.

But Prem didn't head towards him who had kept a stationary position on the ground; instead the olive skinned lad went into the living room hurriedly in search for his phone. Perth watched as he frantically dialed a number and before Perth could ask -

"Boun! Boun, you've got to come over. Son fell ill, he collapsed and his temperature is spiking-"

He didn't even hear the rest of the conversation; Perth dashed into Prem's room, finding Son asleep on Prem's bed wrapped up in the duvet. He made it over by Son's side and the first thing he did was placed his palm to the boy's temperature - indeed he was burning. The boy not noticing it was Perth (or his subconscious did) whimpered when Perth pulled his hand away, wanting the warm touch even though his temperature was over the roof.

"Oh, Son," Perth wheezed, feeling tears welled up once more in his eyes. He caused this. He caused all of this, his mind taunted him, and it was the truth. Perth gently run his fingers down Son's face, admiring every angelic feature carved onto it, "Son, my dear Son, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry, will you ever forgive me?"

And of course, there was no response from the other - Son was far gone from hearing Perth's words. His face etched a frown Perth worry it'll never disappear, he wondered what could the boy be dreaming? Was he dreaming of Perth? A nightmare, a recollection of what just happened? Perth wished he didn't, he wished Son would only dream of sweet things such as rainbows and flowers.

He gave Son a kiss on his sweaty forehead, his hand caressing the soft strand of Son's hair. He wanted to stay like this forever, to be able to touch Son like this because he feared once Son wakes up - he wouldn't be able to. He had lost the privilege to Son's heart and he had no idea on how to gain it back. He would even sell his soul to the devil if it means getting Son to smile at him again.

The moment he had to stay close to the boy was cut short, Prem returned and grabbed Perth by the collar, pulling him away and throwing him to the ground.

"Stay away from Saint" Prem seethed, pointing a finger towards Perth, "he might not have told me of what happened but I'm not stupid, Tanapon, please tell me it isn't what I think you did."

Perth remained silent, his head hanging low.

"Perth, please tell me you didn't-"

"I did" the guilty one said, recalling those moments in the car and just wishing he could retrace his steps and start over "I did, okay, I didn't mean for it to go that far. I just wanted to show him-"

"You bloody fool!"

His jaw was aching and he was on the ground. Prem stood tall above him, breathing hard and the fist he used to punch him was still clenched, ready for a second round. Perth braced for impact but it never came, instead, Prem walked over to the door and opened it, before pulling Perth by the collar (again) and forcing him out.

Before he knew it, Prem had slammed the door to his face.

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