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The instant he woke up, Son wept.

One, he woke up alone, there was no warmth he longed for beside him and there wasn't that comforting squeeze his hand would receive to let him know that Perth was there. Two, the wires around him, attached to him, felt like cuffs or restraints - telling him that he was still a prisoner. Three, he would rather wake up to the sound of Perth's or Prem's or Yacht's or even Boun's voice than the sound of steady beeping of monitors filling the room.

The short encounter where Perth held him and promised to rescue him from this place felt like a dream. His mind was a fog; even Perth's voice was muffled in his head. There were bits and pieces of memories his mind replayed and it all felt like how it did when he realised he was trapped in the facility - lost. He didn't remember how he got here. He didn't remember his own name. What made the situation even worse now than it did back then was the fact he remembered Perth and everything that happened prior.

Son placed his hands on his belly, giving gentle strokes of the stretched skin as he cried. As if his twins heard him, they moved, probably in attempt  to comfort their distraught father. The light flutter underneath his palm etched a smile on Son's face, yet the tears didn't seem to cease. Thinking that his children would probably end up like him once they were born made him hysterical. At that moment he hated himself - why was he so weak that he couldn't protect the ones that he loves?

The door opened and Son froze. Memories of those terrible men in white entering his room and violating him appeared; he closed his eyes, waiting to be hit or yelled at or even to have someone touch him without his permission.

But nothing came. He heard a chair dragged to the side of his bed and the footsteps halted close to him. The person sat down, releasing a breath.

"Mr. Suppapong" the voice spoke, familiar, and Son's head shot up because no one has ever called him that.

Jack was looking at him with sympathetic eyes with his hands on his lap. Son wheezed because this was the person that took Perth for him. Surprisingly it was the first thing that came to his mind. Jack took Perth from him. It proved to be the main reason why he despised the man in front of him at that moment - Jack took Perth - not the fact that it was Jack who conducted this tests on him, it was Jack's facility that it's workers treated him poorly or it was Jack, the reason behind all his suffering, no, I was in fact that Jack won't let them be together that Son wished he was strong enough to wrap the cords of the machines around Jack's neck and slowly watch him die.

He really wanted him dead.

"I'm not here to hurt you" Jack spoke and Son retorted almost immediately.

"It's a bit too late for that."

Jack shook his head, lowering his gaze for a moment before latching back onto Son's.

"I genuinely apologise for that."

Son's lower lip quivered and he pulled his eyes away from the man and place it onto his hands, which were shaking, so he held his belly.

"Mr. Suppapong, I admit the misconduct my subordinates had inflicted upon you and on their behalves, I apologise once more."

Son nodded but he didn't say anything, keeping his eyes onto his gravid abdomen.

"I guarantee you; you'll never see them again."

Silence ensued and it wasn't surprising to Jack, he didn't expect for Son to be comfortable with him. He was the main reason for the boy's stolen childhood and nightmares.

"I want Perth" Son sobbed, breaking at the last syllable of Perth's name.

Sighing, Jack leaned forward, cupping his hands underneath his jaw "I'm sorry I had to separate the both of you" he started, voice lower than before "I want what is best for my son."

Son cried harder, whimpering as he rubbed his nose.

"Saint," Jack called him and Son held his breath, shifting his eyes to Jack's face. Perth didn't look much like him, but he could tell Jack was his father by the subtle features of his nose and mouth that were similar.

"Saint, I promise you, I will try to earn you and your babies' freedom to compensate every damage I've caused upon you. But until I can give both you and Perth a definite answer - the freedom you strive for I will do what's best for my son and that I believe is why, the distance is needed."

Jack could still see the confusion in Son's eyes, the internal conflict the boy had against himself on whether the Senior Tanapon could be trusted.

"I can't have Perth's hopes up for a lost. He is my son; I have never seen such determination he has on someone. He is willing to sacrifice himself for you, Saint, but I as a father can't have that for I know the dangers he is up against. Until I can guarantee no danger is threatened upon him, I'm sorry; the both of you will stay separated. I hope you understand that you're carrying your children. Surely, you'd do anything to protect your seedlings."

Jack stood up once Son nodded. He didn't ask more of the nod, whether Son was giving up or whether he understood what Jack had said. The boy was a wreck and it was too soon to say anything more. It will take time for Son to actually comprehend everything for at the moment despair and worry invaded the young one's senses.

Placing a soothing hand on the highest swell of Son's belly, Jack kissed the top of Son's head causing the boy to freeze. He never expected such actions from the man he knew as the leader of such cruel experiments not just on him but animals he saw when he was held captive.

"Trust me, I will do my utmost best to ensure my grandchildren and you are safe."

With that being said, Son still stunned that he only managed to let his eyes follow Jack as the mysterious man left the room.

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