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It was slow, but progress was still progress.

"How is the soup, love?" Perth asked, scratching the back of his head though it doesn't itch. It seems to be a habit of his lately.

Son hummed in content, loving the way the spices from Asia mixed well along with some chicken and fish strips. He won't deny missing Perth's cooking because though Prem was a good cook Perth was a lot better (or maybe he was bias but who knows).

"I take that as a compliment then" Perth said and he chuckled nervously.

He wouldn't call it awkward, but they haven't gotten back to their normal Perth and Son rhythm. Perth promised Son he would patient, that Son was to take all the time he needed to open up to Perth once more, to be comfortable having him around and Perth really couldn't blame him because it was his fault to begin with, truth be told.

"I uh I'm going to move back in, Son."

At the moment the words were spoken, Son lifted his eyes from the soup to meet Perth's - the older lad felt nervous all over again.

"I mean, I wan-wanted to ask if-if it's okay with you- I mean-mean I understand if you're uncomf-uncomfortable, Saint-Son. I've talked to Pr-Prem and he said to ask yo-you. I kind of really mi-miss you."

Son shrugged, and licked his lips, "it's your apartment" was his only answer.

Indeed it was. Part of it belonging to Prem and it would be truly unfair to have Yacht bear the costs of having Perth over. But then again, there could be another reason as to why Son was okay with having Perth back, besides, the lad had gained enough trust (though not fully) from both him and Prem these past few weeks.

"You sure, Son?" Perth enquired again, hopeful, "I can stay with Yacht longer-"

"I kind of really miss having you around, too" Son chimed in with a blush creeping on his pale face.

That was all Perth needed to pack his clothes and return home with a clear line drawn between where he can be in the house and where he can't be - and he can't be in Prem's room where it's temporarily Son's fort without Prem being around. Other than that he was free to roam and Son was reminded to keep his door locked every time Prem had to attend work.

They had very little trust of him - Prem, Boun, Yacht and even Son - but Perth was out to prove them wrong.

The temperature had dropped immensely. Even though it was only five in the afternoon, the sun was already out of sight, the wind not helping anyone who was outside with less than three layers of clothing to keep their body temperature down and Perth was thankful that he decided to where his dark brown jumper underneath his coat that day.

He sat on the stairs, looking out for Prem in a distance. He should be on his way home by this time now that he was ranked to a manager; he rarely ever needs to stay at the cafe beyond six o'clock. Even then, Perth would wait for him to return so that he could enter the house.

It wasn't like Prem didn't allow him back, he did (Son did) but it was only because Perth still didn't feel like he earned enough of their trust to be alone with Son that Perth waited outside for Prem to return so he could follow suit. Trusting himself was the real problem. It was the tiny bit of his father that reside in himself that he fear would take over, just like that night. So Prem let him be. It was a conflict only Perth himself can resolve.

"Hey," Prem finally appeared, ears hidden behind his maroon beanie, "waiting long?"

Perth shook his head, standing up and shoving his hands in his pockets as Prem went to open the door.

The warm air once they stepped inside was comfort compared to the freezer of the outside. Both of them shrugged their outer wear and Perth helped placing Prem's jacket onto the coat's rack. The house was warmly lit, only several lights were on and an empty green mug was seen on the kitchen counter - Son must've finished his tea Perth made him before he left for uni.

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