Chapter 29

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"That's impossible." He takes a deep breath, "The current God of Chaos is Kazle and I'm supposed to slay him. Answer me truthfully!"

"My Father relinquished the Throne to me." I point to my eye, "This emblem in my eye proves that the Throne is mine." I look around at the battlefield. This battle scarred this world already. I have to be more careful if I'm to protect it, "Listen, I believe that everyone needs a rest. Do you have a camp nearby?"

"If you won't tell me here, then we'll settle it over a pint." He gives a quick smile only to wipe it away as he turns to the gathered soldiers, "We move back to the Bastion and relish in our victory today! Our friend here will leave with us and she will answer for her actions today."

He turns back to me, "And so will your friend. No one has seen a Dragon for a thousand years. I'm quite surprised to find one here on the battlefield. I must say thank you to this man. He shielded our troops with magic I've never heard of. We've much to discuss."


Our sister failed to eliminate Relaria, but she has given us valuable information about her. She can be caused to go berserk and attack her allies. If we can get her to view us as allies, we can officially declare war on this world. Relaria knows that she can't go berserk again, but I know how to make her lose control. Attack her so called friends and she'll lose herself.

"Mistress," the lone voice of the Goddess' heir echoes in the war room. It's nothing special, but it's away from the battlefield and Relaria can't track us here. Scion steps into the torchlight, his blonde hair ragged from torture. He's finally been turned to the side of Chaos. I'll use the Goddess' heir as a distraction for the new army of light. With Relaria at the helm of the defending forces, this proxy war will be nothing compared to when we are all at our full strength.

"Speak slave." I look down on him from the planning table. The true plan lies with Relaria's decisions. The Ice Crystal lies firmly in our hands and we can wield its true power. Scion will use it to raise a massive army of undead and march on the fertile lands.

"I believe our plan is ready." He smiles menacingly as the Ice Crystal shines around his neck, "The last of the weapons and armor has arrived in the Citadel. I await your orders to destroy the living."

"Do not forget, you are still alive and an arrow can find its way to your heart." I chuckle at the frail man. He may be a strong warrior, but his soul and spirit is shattered from weeks of torment, "But, you are right. Launch the invasion and keep my dear sister busy. You will not yield an inch to these humans. The time for darkness to rise and destroy begins..."


"Your name?" I ask the man leading us down a well worn path. Along its way, we've seen nothing but scarred grounds from small battles. Farms and villages that used to dot these lands have been reduced to almost nothing.

"You may call me Serafe." I almost stop in my tracks as I remember Irin talking about this same man. He's not able to wield any Dragon powers, but he is still a formidable warrior. He stood firm when I lost control of my powers. Is that the true power of the Goddess' heirs?

"A fine name." Ritoru nods and smiles, "You may call me Ritoru."

"Ritoru the Dragon." Serafe chuckles and throws his hands behind his head, "And here I thought that the Dragon's were extinct."

"Hiding." Ritoru corrects him, "The ancient humans nearly brought our end. We hide and wait to serve the God of Chaos."

"So, you answer to her?" Serafe turns his gaze onto me, "It's hard to believe that you're the God of Chaos."

Ice Crystal: Chaos Storm (book 2) FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now