Chapter 4

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That soothing light that I'm used to is now shielded with darkness. My mind slowly closes itself off from the rest of the world. That light is slowly fading; that warm glowing feeling that the Goddess gives off is fleeing. Relaria...why would she call me that? My name is Rias isn't it? Who am I? What am I? If Nada knows who I am, then my whole life is a lie. Everything I've lived through, fought for, and grew up with, is a lie.

I fall into the pitch blackness that is my clouded heart. I feel nothing but pain and helplessness as I sink further into it. Nada influenced what Chaos my body had been through and unleashed it upon me. I'm not in the real world right now. I'm inside my mind. A mind that is clouded and cold. Is this who I really am? I've done nothing but kill people for the sake of my country...and then the world.

Every single person I've killed, I can see their faces every time I close my eyes. I may act tough and compassionate, but underneath it all, is a weak little girl hugging her knees as she stares at the bleak abyss ahead of her. I wonder how I had such a talent for fighting; for killing. Yes, I was trained, but I had no hesitation when it came to killing people. I earned such a reputation, that I became known as the Executioner. One that was devoid of emotion; except when I was killing. I had a deranged look on my face, almost as if I was enjoying every second of it. In Icelia, I was a hero. The rest of my little world only saw me as a monster.

It seems as if I've been falling for hours, days maybe. I know it's only been minutes. One can become trapped in their mind for eternity while their body acted on its own. Maybe, that's what I've been doing this whole time. Barely in control of my own actions as the rest of the world raced by me.

Who am I really?

Relaria? Rias? A monster? Rias was the name I was given by Nefal, my father. Is he really my father? No one could ever love a monster such as he. A monster, was the title given to me by all my foes. Relaria...that rings a bell doesn't it? It's almost as if I'm talking to myself. My body and mind is trying to make sense of the situation right now and nothing is making sense. I'm not who I am; I'm Relaria, not Rias.


The name that my Father gave me. Kazle gave me that name when Nada and I were born. Nada took after our Father, while I took after our human mother. Mother died giving birth to us. A human could never live through giving birth to two new Gods. Years pass and Nada began her training with her Chaos powers, while I developed none. To keep me safe from the Gods' world, he sealed what Chaos I had inside of me and sealed me away.

I lay peacefully in a temple deep underground. He created the Strait of Iceltic during the first war with the Goddess. Underneath that crystal clear water, lies the temple where I lie, asleep. Nefal came across the Temple while searching for the Ice Crystal. He found nothing but a little girl asleep, protected by dangerous and powerful magic seals. When he came into contact with the little girl, his body and soul became corrupted with Chaos. He released me from the seals starting the next Chaos war.

Seeing this, the Goddess sent a blessing to the child before her powers woke. Keeping the powers suppressed and without an heir, the Goddess chose her next warrior. Branded in her left eye, the child was protected from Kazle's influence and her Chaotic powers were still sealed. The girl could live a normal life if she wanted to. Nefal gave the girl a new name to live by; Rias. If she were to hear her real name again, her powers were going to awaken and the world would fall apart.

I stand on the precipice of a new life. I had just gotten used to the one I was living. I made a lot of friends, some considered family. I look down at the grey ground. The cliff edge gives way to a family outing. There's my Father, Nada, and I living like a family. Before the world went to war once again. He really was a caring father. Despite not having any Chaotic powers growing up, he treated me like he would family. The lakeside is barren, surrounded by a massive lush forest. The crystal clear lake is calm with a small breeze breaking the glass like water.

The image cracks and shatters leaving nothing but the fragments of my memory scattering into the abyss around me. Then, the little girl that I was, slowly appears in front of me hugging her knees with her back against a lone tree. The only tree that grew in the village I fled to and there I was; all alone despite the village taking me in and raising me as their own. The village disappears leaving me and my child self alone.

She looks up at me with her dark violet eyes. Tears stream down her face as she lets go of the note I was given from my caretakers. The note that started my downfall. Fire rages around me as the village is torn apart by a child of darkness. Her powers unleashed by her heightened whole life was a lie. My mind created the village around me as the Royal Iceltic Guard arrived to help any survivors. There was only one survivor, the little girl that destroyed it. The Goddess calmed the child, sealed the Chaos once more, and changed how she looked to keep her safe.

The image faded and I'm back on the grey cliff. Overlooking the Elven forest. Inside, the Goddess was meeting with the young Queen, Myriani. To keep me calm and hone my abilities to stay human, she was told to train and accompany me on my journey. The little Elf that I grew to love was a great actor at the time. Despite the dangers, Myriani and I had fallen in love after the death of Thoron. Was she acting then? Has she been lying this entire time to keep me calm? No, she wouldn't do that.

Everything in my life had been predetermined whether I had a choice or not. My Father, my real father, should never have sealed me away. For six hundred years, I lay motionless and in pain. As the Chaotic powers awakened inside of me, I could do nothing to relieve myself of that pain. Fell Dragons are supposed to use that power as to not go insane when too much of it builds inside of them. It's why there's a war every few hundred years. Kazle himself can't even control himself. He doesn't want the war, but it's inevitable.

My whole life has been a lie...

"Wake up Relaria." My head snaps to the left as I hear a young Nada. I turn to see her jumping on top of my bed to wake me up, "It's time for dinner!" When I don't wake up, she hops down and angrily puts her hands on her hips. You can barely tell us apart, "Fine, go hungry for all I care."

Little did she know, that that was the night that I was put to sleep. Little did she know, that was the last night she would see me for six hundred years. Maybe, it is time to wake up. Maybe, it is time to show who I really am....

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