Chapter 1

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The exhilaration of battle; nothing is better. I haven't felt that since I found out I was destined to destroy chaos. I don't know what's wrong with me, but I feel peaceful. Could it be the Goddess's influence? I don't want a war anymore. Seeing the Goddess's army at war in front of my eyes gives me a sense of sadness. Chaos has tainted the minds of our people and I cannot allow anymore lives to be lost because of my absence in defeating the Chaos. It's my fault for all the death and sorrow. We've taken up to much time and now time is running short. I just don't know what to think anymore.


Despair; that's the only feeling I feel right now. The last thing this world needs is another senseless war. The Elves and Dwarves are supposed to be allies; allies that would help the Chosen One defeat the darkness that clouds the land every few hundred years. If that explosion signals something, it could spell the end before anything started. How many more lives must be taken to end this war with my father?

Ris and Myriani stand frozen in place. Ris has a horrified look on his face as if he knew something like this was bound to happen. Whatever he was carrying, is now on the ground rolling away. His hands shake as he reaches for his slender blade. Each blade is made carefully for each individual Elf. "We must hurry." He says with a shaky voice, "This can't be good at all."

Even with my training, it's difficult to keep up with the Elves when they're at a full sprint. We pass troves of Elves and Dwarves headed towards the center of the city. Plumes of pitch black smoke drifts into the air. I know that smoke all too well. It's the same color that blanketed Icelia after Fiore destroyed the city. Magic fire is the only thing that could keep burning after an explosion like that. Embers rise from the stone houses as we get closer. A magic circle appears above the plume of smoke sending water into the square. The fires were extinguished, but the smoke lingered.

We push through the crowded square until we reach the center. Everything is quiet as a lone breeze carries the fresh scent of blood. Lying in a pool of blood, is the small body of an Elven girl. A destroyed sword lays at her side. Her stomach slowly rises as she fights for life. Kneeling next to her, is a well built Elf wearing a crown. That must be Svewn and the Elven girl in front of him must be his daughter. Drenched and blackened from the smoke, he takes her hand.

"I know what must be done daughter." He says with a shaky voice, "The Dwarves have gone too far this time and must be eradicated!"

"You really think we'd kill a child?" A Dwarf walks up to the girls other side picking up the sword, "This sword caused her death. It's not Dwarven made, so how would we be responsible?"

"Rgur, my old friend, I know it was you." The grieving Elf looks up at him, "You've been working with the darkness for some time haven't you? Waiting for a moment to strike! You should have came after me instead!"

"We're supposed to be allies!" Rgur takes his massive hammer and slams it into the ground, "Chaos has risen once more and here we are squabbling like children. Whoever is responsible for this, should be hunted down."

"Why waste time and energy looking for someone when the culprits are already here!" Svewn stands up only to be gripped weakly by his dying daughter.

"Please," She pleads. Only now can I see how badly wounded she is. The entire right half of her body is obliterated. The right half of her face is heavily burnt. Her arm is completely gone leaving a bloody mess. Deep cuts run down the rest of her body from the sword fragments, "this..wasn't their..doing."

"Save your words daughter." Svewn wipes the blood away from her eyes, "Look at me...we'll destroy all who was involved. Starting with Rgur!"

The two leaders clash with the deafening sound of steel. For a Dwarf, Rgur is fast enough to keep up with the Elven leader. The rest of the soldiers join the fray and an all out war had started. Myriani takes a step forward as if in a trance. I reach out for her, only to be stopped by her gaze. Her eyes are clouded with Chaos. The feelings that had risen from this even had stirred the Chaos inside of her. I can't lose her too!

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