Chapter 6

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Damnit! Why does the Goddess have to interfere at the wrong time? A few more moments and Rias would have been under my complete control. She'd fight for us no matter what! No matter who she loved or who she had friended, once her Chaos powers were completely unsealed, she would have fought with her family to create the new world.

"Would she though, Corrupted One?" The Goddess is back and looking for a fight, "Her heart is good. Thanks to the people she grew up with, her heart, once full of madness and destruction, slowly filled with happiness and the feeling to save everyone around her. If you think you know Rias, you're horribly wrong."

"A dying God has to correct me?" I chuckle, "Your attempt to dissuade me is laughable. Once her eyes were opened to our wonderful world, she would have reverted to her old self. You were with her when her powers destroyed an entire village, were you not? You progressed her aging to that of a human until she was able to fight for YOU! You care nothing but your own survival! We just want our family back together and you're keeping that from happening!"

"Your words are nothing but lies." Blue lightning arcs across the sky as a barrier forms in the sky. The Goddess is finally going to show herself. Good, I can kill her now and absorb her powers. It's a little shake up in the plan, but I'll grow more powerful nonetheless. Roaring fills the air forcing all soldiers from both sides to stop fighting. They all look up at the spell taking place. The barrier shatters, showering the land in white shards, burning and killing the demons and revitalizing the Elves and Dwarves. A massive white and blue dragon descends from the clouds.

"Six hundred years ago, you fought my father and it was the first time the world was graced with your presence." I bare my front fangs, "This must be a special occasion!" Massive black wings sprout from my back and I lift myself into the air while transforming into my Chaos Dragon form. The real battle finally begins! I fly towards the Goddess for our final showdown...


I've got all the time in the world to figure out what I want to do. In this timeless, ageless dimension, my Chaos powers were stalled. I only hope that I can make the right decision. A part of me wants to go back home, my real home. I don't know my Father and Nada. Even though Nada is corrupted, I think I could save her. The other part of me, wants to go back home, lead the Elves and Dwarves into battle against the Chaos Army.

What the Goddess did to me was unforgivable, but I don't hate her for doing it. I hate her for keeping it all a secret from me. If I knew who I was and why she was doing what she was doing, I would've understood. Maybe, she didn't trust me. I come across as a strong-willed warrior, but deep down, I've no remorse for those I've fought...for those I've killed. Maybe that's the Chaos side of me.

I've never been a magic user before, despite learning simple spells for survival. I would always rely on my basic instincts when camping out in the wilderness. With some of my powers awakening, I wonder what magic I can perform. My foot bangs against the stained Artenagon as I was standing up. The sword looks pitiful with its golden sheen completely dulled by the demon blood. More cracks are showing despite taking good care of the blade. The sword was said to never break. Maybe this is the last and final war and its use is reaching its end.

I take a deep breath and try to summon water out of nothing. I'm hoping the spell will work long enough for me to clean the legendary sword. After straining, I manage to open a small magic circle with a small waterfall dribbling onto the cavern floor. Even that small of a spell was almost torture to me. Most of my being wanted to open up a torrent of water and flood my enemies. I place my hand on my chest, hoping the pain would go away. The more I keep these powers restrained, the more pain I'll witness.

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