Chapter 9

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Just smiling at Myriani put me at ease. Letting her know that I'm still me, that I'm still fighting for the sake of this world, is enough to fill me with confidence. The look on her face though, was utter disbelief. In the back of her mind, she knows I can't defeat Nada with the Goddess' power alone. Yet, I refuse to delve into my Chaos powers. I'm reluctant enough that the world could cease to exist and replaced with one shaped by a corrupt God. Leoria may have helped me control my powers, but I don't want to become that person...I never want to lose Myriani. She won't forgive me if I use those powers...

The Elven Queen shouldn't even be in this fight. She should be commanding from behind the lines, but she isn't one to sit still. She's always had a fire in her chest that most people looked up to. She inspires others to fight harder just by her presence alone. Despite being a young Elf, she's lived for centuries, and through those centuries, were brutal wars that needed commanders. She was one of those becoming the warrior princess until her mother was killed by one of Nefal's underlings. That day changed how she thought of outsiders, but she lent refuge to Thoron and I when we needed it most. Deep down, she's still a caring person, you just have to dig for it.

Artenagon bounces off another Chaos blade. Nada shows no signs of slowing down; in fact, it seems as if she's becoming faster as the fight drags on. Chaos, the most powerful energy in the realms she is supposed to watch over, fueled by all the negative energy in those realms, she's nearly an unbeatable entity. I don't know much magic, and the magic I can do, she just counters with a wave of Chaos from a magic circle that I can't sense anymore.

I chuckle at the pain. My senses are beginning to dull from the attacks. My movements are becoming slower and my regeneration has slowed to almost nothing. My attacks aren't getting through her magic defense. I look at down at Artenagon. This truly is its last fight. The blade can only take so much more punishment. I'll make sure that nothing like this ever happens again to this world! I grip Artenagon tighter as I take another blow to the face. I spin in the air trying to think of anything that could work. I don't have a lot of time now!

Time...the Goddess resides over time! She can use time magic!

"Standstill is a powerful spell and will take a lot of power, you only have so many uses. As powerful as Nada is, she'll only be slowed, not stopped. The others, will be spared for the few minutes that were stopped. Be wary of your magic and don't overuse the spell."

"Standstill!" A clear magic circle dispels in front of me sending a wave of energy all around us. Nada's movements slow and I'm able to dodge her next attack. With a surprised look on her face, I spin and drop a kick into her back. She reels through the air only to barely catch herself from crashing into the ground. She skips trying to balance herself. I fly towards her and come down with Artenagon. An orb of Chaos strikes the blade. The power spins in between us sending Chaos flying in every direction. The blade snaps and waves of Chaos pierce my body. She didn't use a physical attack. She was aiming for the Goddess. Thankfully, she missed, but the extent of the attack is unknown.

I jump away from her holding my body. I stare down at what was once the legendary blade of heroes. Now, it's nothing but a broken relic. Sighing, I place the sword on the ground and summon a blade of light. I can still fight! I can still win! I spiral in the air after pushing off the ground. Light and Darkness clash sending waves of energy throughout the battlefield. Finally, I'm able to destroy her Chaos blade. Surprised, and not ready for a followup attack, I aim a kick at her head. It connects and sends her across the ground.

"This is getting tiresome sister." The malice she added onto the last word was true hatred. I don't know why she hates me or what I've done to her, but she can't be saved at this point.

"It seems she's more than a match for you." Kazle finally shows himself, dispelling the time spell I had casted. His pitch black armor is enough to send chills down most people's spines. He carries a massive blade on his back. He folds his torn wings and takes his place beside his daughter, "I wish we didn't have to meet under these circumstances."

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