Chapter 5

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When I open my eyes, I'm looking into the eyes of my sister. I could kill her now, but what would that do but incur the wrath of my father. What was his plan for sending her down here? Knowing Nada, she came to the battlefield with her own plan in mind. If she kills me, she'll be able to do whatever she wishes. She'll absorb the Chaos powers inside of me and become more powerful than our Father. There's a reason twins had never been born. One twin is equal to the present God of Chaos. When twins are born, one twin killing the other would make them more powerful than the current ruler.

"Come to your senses?" She says, "I'm sorry I hurt you, but that wound should heal soon. I only did that to jog your memories."

"You did that to hurt me." I stare at her with anger. I haven't completely remembered who I am, and the Goddess' energy and power still courses through my veins, "Saying my name was the key."

While I still remember who I am, those memories are being consumed by my past. With each passing second, I'm forgetting Rias, the proud warrior fighting for the sake of the world, and becoming Relaria, the sadistic Chaos twin hellbent on destroying the current world. I look over at Myriani and with her back turned, give her one last smile before standing up again. I reach out and grab Nada by the neck, "If I kill you now while the Goddess' power is still running through me, the world will be saved."

"But you can't, can you?" She smiles as I lessen my grip, "You're hesitant because you want to remember who you were and know the world you live in."

"Hard to say, I'm forgetting Rias and becoming your sister." I say with tears streaming down my face. "And I don't want that to happen."

"You've always been my sister." She chuckles as I let go and drop my arm to my side, "You've always been a Chaotic entity. Fell Dragons such as we, signal the end of the world. We heal faster, are stronger, and faster than most beings. Have you ever noticed how quickly you heal?"

"Very." I tell her, "The only thing that can injure or kill a Fell Dragon, is a Fell Dragon or another God."

"Looks like somebody is remembering who they are."

"Rias!" Myriani sprints over, but I stop her before she comes closer.

"I'm sorry Elf." Her name is blurry for me. I can barely recall her at all, "If you know me, I'm sorry, because I don't know you. I've seen you before, but...I can't recall you."

"No..." I hear her whisper, "That person in front of  you is a-"

"My sister, my family...I know who she is." My hands shake uncontrollably. "Why can't I remember her. Who am I? Rias? Relaria? I can't remember!"

Explosive energy escapes from me forcing the two of them to fall to the ground. Nada is smiling as she gets up. Tears stream down Myriani's blood soaked face. Purple markings appear on my body as the Goddess' armor slowly dissipates.

"I won't let you take another soul from me!" A booming voice comes from above the battlefield and a streak of light slams into the ground around me. I'm surrounded by a massive spell. Before I know it, I'm in a dark cave far from the battlefield. What happened?

"You may be wondering what happened, Rias." The voice booms off the cave walls, "I transported you to a world between worlds. It's the only place we could talk face to face."

"I'm stuck between two people." I look at my hands, "The seal that was inside of me stopping the Chaos was almost lifted wasn't it?"

"Yes and I'm sorry." A glowing woman in a pure white robe rounds a curve in the cave, "I did this to you, but if I didn't, the world would have no hero to protect it."

"You could have found anyone to do this and left me out of it." I say keeping myself calm, "But you couldn't. I would've wound up in the war anyways with Nefal caring for me."

"I did this because I had no heir." She creates a small campfire and the cave disappears revealing an infinite sky filled with nothing, "Years ago, this world was filled with stars that shone brightly. Over time, each one was snuffed out and each one, represented someone who had my blood."

"There's none left." I stare at the campfire sadly, "You have no one left."

"Nada broke the rules of the Gods." The Goddess says closing her eyes, "She somehow went to all the realms and worlds and killed off every single heir. Gods aren't supposed to kill anything in different realms. They must stay in the realm that they govern. Nada did not do that. Manipulating her father, she was able to do what she wanted."

"Light and Darkness have forever been at war." I sigh, "When will it end? What's the history behind this war?"

"I'm to blame...not Kazle." She turns to me her long light blue hair shines in the camp light, "When I created the humans, I managed to fall in love with one having never felt the feeling before. We birthed a child and decided that he should live with the human world. Years pass and the human I fell in love with died of a sudden heart disease that ravaged the human world. The infection slowed as humanity clung to its last survivors. Those survivors banded together to create the first human capital of the land. You should know it well."

"Distor." I whisper, "But the humans no longer live there. The Dwarves and Elves took over."

"Distraught, I brought my husband back and he was filled with malevolent energy." She continues, "The humans eventually banded together against the new king who eventually became your father. Knowing that the humans couldn't defeat him, I created a multitude of races to assist the humans in their war. The only ones that would help were the Elves and the Dwarves. After creating a spell that would seal Kazle in his own dimension, the humans came to realize how weak of a race they were and left the city for new lands...where you were sealed."

"You did are the true villain here!" I clench my fists in anger.

"Calm down." She says flatly, "When you and your sister were born, I decided to end this once and for all. I clashed with Kazle. In our dragon forms, a massive amount of energy was released into the world. One of Kazle's attacks sliced the new human continent in half, creating the now Strait of Iceltic. His next attack nearly killed me. Knowing that I was to be erased, I latched onto the only hope I had: My bloodline had been growing for years. They all banded together and with their powers, defeated Kazle. The process continued until only one heir remained. Three hundred years ago, he was defeated, but left Kazle weakened. I was able to defeat him and send him back to his realm. And now, I sit here with no heirs and dying."

"You can just create more!" I leer at her, "Or, is that another rule that the Gods follow?"

"Yes." She smiles slightly, "I govern your world alongside Kazle. If one of us dies, then that world will cease to exist. Everyone and everything in it will freeze in time."

"You're going to die regardless." I stand up quickly, "What's the point of stopping this war?"

"Nada plans on taking my powers as well as Kazle's." She looks at me almost as if she's seeing through me, "If she does that, the world won't die."

"What if I killed you right now?" I pick up Artenagon off the ground. Dried demon blood coats the golden blade, "What if I killed you and absorbed your powers? What then?"

"It's a possibility, but a bad one." She shakes her head, "You have a good heart and should take the Chaos throne from your Father. Kill Nada and absorb her powers so that you may defeat a corrupted God."

"It is your fault for creating him." I stare at the ground, "However, I won't take the throne. I refuse to."

"Without a ruler, Chaos will always be a constant threat in your world." She begins to disappear, "I control time while Kazle controls space. If you take his powers and not take the throne, space will only be holding on to a thread. If I die, time will stop and so will space. I'll leave you here in this dimension until you come to a decision."

And with that, she's gone and here I am in a dark dimension with nothing to do but think. I wonder if I can use what Chaos powers that surfaced to leave this place and get back to my world. I need to apologize to Myriani anyways. Nada was using her magic against me and my powers were quickly changing my mind and body. With the seals still intact, I should be safe from her now that I know her mind trick. I'll dedicate what time I have here and find a way to open a gate to my home...if it's still there.

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