Chapter 25

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You aren't like the rest of us...we all value destruction and death yet, you seem devoid of it. We're all waiting for you to explode again. We are awake at last and you keep us contained behind these gates. Why won't you bring this world to an end? All we want is you to be happy and you can't be happy unless we are.

"I keep you all hidden because that's not how a God should act. I'm different for a reason. You're all dead for a reason. All that I've lived through, has made me stronger than all of you."

You sense her too do you not? Your dead sister has finally arrived in your conscience. If you thought she was corrupted as she lived, you have not met the rest of us. Experiments we were called. Our Father tried to find the perfect vessel for the perfect God to be born. It seems you were that God, but you will always hear our voices, pleading to be let loose upon this world. At one point, we were hailed as heroes around the world. While Father was busy, we dealt with His problems.

"You think I'd be ashamed to be the result of an experiment? You thought wrong. I'm proud that I was born and that I could protect everyone with that power. Who are you?"

We were once all heirs to the Chaos Throne. We were brothers and sisters carrying on our Father's demands. When you were born, we were all dead; killed by our Father and an Archangel before our powers grew out of control. Nada was close to bringing us all back so that we could serve once more. If we were alive when you were born, the twelve of us would have been able to easily destroy our Father for his ambitions. The eleven of us are now trapped within your mind. We sit and watch your every move waiting for a chance that you make a mistake. A fragile mind such as yours can't take much more. Why don't you kill that Dragon lying next to you? You'll be one of us then. Release us so we could retake our mantle as the Circle of Hell. You would have completed that circle as the twelfth and most powerful member. Now, why don't you wield that power you were granted, hm?

"Like you said, I'm not like you. I am me and no one has the right to change that. Say what you want, I'll never join you. As long as I live, I will see to it that your resurrection will never happen!"

Oh come now sister. You may have killed me, but remember that we're all a part of you. If you think this war is over, you're terribly wrong. Even now, we're all being resurrected in a different world where you don't exist.

"That's why I need to go back to my original world. I already know your plans and I'll be there to stop you."

Are you sure about that? All the power we wield would have a lot of influence over your body and mind. You'll be screaming to let loose and destroy all in your path. Even now, as you grow stronger, that power wants to be let out. With us, as our final member, you could destroy everyone and everything you'd like.

Even now, I'm still hesitant. Why?! Why! Why can't I be myself and live my own life? Why must I suffer like this? "I refuse."

When we meet again, we'll deal with you, traitor.

My eyes snap open to the bright moonlight flooding into the Sanctuary. That's right, I'm safe where I'm at. With Ritoru at my side, nothing will keep me from protecting everyone I know and love. I look behind me and slowly leave the bed. I slip on my boots and head outside to get some fresh air. No need to wake him up. I just...need to clear my head is all.

It seems as if the colder days are approaching fast. The night is clear and the moon shines brightly over the mountains. There's a slight breeze in the air coming from the west carrying the faint traces of a storm. There should be snow on the ground by the time the Sanctuary wakes up.

I can't fathom what would happen if the others will be will they be revived. No one is left to do so. Unless my Father from the world I came from revived Nada so that he could have an heir in case I did not return, then there's no way any of them could be revived. What was He thinking creating powerful entities so that he could rule multiple worlds at once?! And to think that I'm the perfect one that was to complete the Circle; to lead them all.

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