Chapter 12

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The war that has ravaged the world for thousands of years may be over, but the world needs that time to recover. In front of me, stands the Chaos army ready for the order to destroy. I will never let that happen. I close my eyes and think. They see me as their leader and are waiting for me to give them any order. I could easily order them back to their realm or even help these people rebuild what had been lost.

"What are you going to do?" Myriani rests her head on my shoulder. We sit on the precipice of the very cliff Myriani gave her speech only days ago. It seems ages ago that we were here enjoying the sunset and one last night together before the preparations began.

"I don't know." I open my eyes and look into hers. I could always get lost in them, but I can't be with her anymore. There are people out there lost and alone waiting for someone to save them. Then, there's the promises that I made to the dragons in Mankana; I must release them from their stone prison. I have something to ask of them. If I'm to protect the people and utilize my powers without causing problems, I need to become part dragon. Because I inherited from my mother more than my Father, I don't have dragon blood flowing through my veins. I believe the dragon's could help me with that.

"Relaria." A girl's voice from behind surprises both of us. I reach for the destroyed Artenagon, remembering that it's no longer a weapon, "Do not worry, I'm only here for a few answers." Behind us, is a girl only a few years older than I, but her aura is powerful. This woman, is a God. I'm sure that she's come to fetch me, "If you don't mind, I've a few questions."

"Very well." I sit back down. She smiles and sits next to me looking out over the city. Below, the merchants and farmers are hard at work repairing their shops and fields.

"My name is Kysil and I'm the acting God overlooking the Chaos Throne." She introduces herself, "The main reason I'm here is on behalf of all the Gods. Today, you are no longer human, you know that right?"

"Yes, I've known that since meeting Nada." I sigh, "I'd like to stay here...and help as many people as I can."

"You've a good heart and I acknowledge that, but the Throne needs its ruler and that ruler is you Relaria." She looks over at me with her light grey hair blowing in the wind, "I may have been adopted by Kazle, but I'm no longer a part of your family. I can only overlook the Throne for so long."

"At least I know I still have a family." I smile. Even though I grew up with great people, I've never truly had a family until my memories were unlocked. "If that's all you're going to ask, then I refuse to take the Throne."

"We all thought you'd say that." She sighs, "Leonas was right about you being stubborn. My other question, is who will look after the Throne? If you don't, then you'll need to give up your powers to another so that the Throne can be occupied."

"I'm sorry, but that isn't happening either." I say looking at the sea, "I know that there are a lot of God's capable of wielding this power, but I can trust no one but myself. I'm sorry."

"I knew you'd say that as well." She waves her hand in the air and a parchment appears, "Take this. It's a spell for whenever your powers seem as if they're going to go out of control. If you will not take the Throne, your powers will eventually overwhelm you and you'll become corrupted just like your sister. This spell will prevent that, you only need to recite it and the urge will go away."

"Thank you Kysil." I take the parchment, "Please keep watching over the Throne until I believe I'm ready and worthy of it. There are a lot of people in this world that needs help, and I plan on helping them all."

"Rias," Myriani whispers, "I thought you were going to stay in the forest with me for the rest of your life."

"I planned on telling you later, but I'm a danger to people if I stay in one spot too long." I hold back tears, "I'll accompany you and Eliose back to the forest, but I cannot stay with you. I'll visit from time to time, but I cannot stay long."

"That's the smart thing to do, Relaria." Kysil stands up and brushes her dress, "Now, I think it's time you met the other God's. If you would follow me."

"I can't right now." I smile and look at Myriani, "I want to stay here with her as long as I can."

"I see." She smiles, "I'll let them know to come visit you when they have the time. I'm sure Leonas and Meric would like to see you again."

"How's Deriose?" I ask, "The old man helped me out a lot."

"I'm his apprentice." She giggles, "I'll let him know you said hi."

"Thank you."

"You should go with her." Myriani says tugging at my sleeves, "Don't worry, we won't be leaving for a few days. I have to make sure my people are okay."

"Fine." I smile and sigh, "I love you."

"I love you too." I hug her tightly. It seems forever since I've heard her utter those words.

"I won't be long." I stand up and follow Kysil into the portal. Another new world awaits me. The portal closes behind us and we're in a grand room. I wonder how many God's there truly are.

"This way to the meeting room." She leads the way, "Only the High God's were chosen to meet with you today."

"You mean the important ones." I correct her, "Don't fool me with words like that."

"I only meant the high ranking God's." She chuckles, "Stop being so serious!"

"You...knew my father then?" I ask after a few minutes of silence, "What was it with him?"

"Most days were for my training." She says looking back, "Before he ever knew he was going to have children, he chose someone like me who had no powers, to be his heir. Little by little, I grew more powerful with Chaos. Then one day, he came back with you two. I was so surprised to have siblings, but our laws prevented me from staying in his House any longer. Since then, I've been watching over you two and training under Deriose."

"What was Nada like growing up without me?" I ask.

"She was...special." She said searching for the right word, "Before the corruption started, she was a bright young child, much like yourself before you were sealed away in the mortal world. All the God's were surprised when Kazle did that. Since you were more like your mother than him, he figured that you'd wake up one day and live happily with the humans. You did, but here you are."

We pass by a dilapidated room and I stop. There's a slight urge to go in there. An urge that's pulling me towards it, "That's the Throne room isn't it?" She brought me this way for a reason.

"It's there waiting for you whenever you want to take it." She says, "There isn't any rush since you have that spell. Come on, I don't want you to change your mind because it was forcefully changed."

I nod and keep following her. She eventually stops at a single door. "Inside, you'll meet Eiri, the God of air, Noric, the God of earth, and Lori, the God of water. You already know Meric and his daughter Leonas. They wish to speak to the present God of Chaos and their future leader. Please, don't feel pressured by their inquiries."

"Of course." I say quietly looking down at the stone floor. Kysil notices the markings on my arms and stops.

She sighs, "You resealed your powers didn't you?" I nod, "I respect your decision, but I don't think the others will think the same." She opens the door, revealing a small room. The Gods are sitting around a table enjoying some tea while discussing the future. The room grows quiet as they notice us. I instantly notice Leonas and Meric. Both are smiling, but they're hesitant to say anything.

"On behalf of the Gods, I welcome you to our world." A rough looking man says. He's bald with a long beard trailing halfway down his body. His robe is the color of gold and silver, "I'm Noric the God of earth. Pleased to meet our new leader."

I nervously bow to the old God. "I'm honored to be here and meet all of you. A couple of you, I get to see again, while somewhat nervous and excited to meet the rest of you."

"Please sit," Meric motions next to him, "We have much to discuss."

Ice Crystal: Chaos Storm (book 2) FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now