Chapter 8

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"So, you'll be getting back into the fight, or are you debating something?" Deriose asks. He's not wrong, I'm debating on what plan I should go with. I can try to fool my sister and Father, earn their trust and backstab them, or I could go straight into battle, but that would put the Goddess at risk. That plan requires me to wound both the Goddess and Nada with the last of the Goddess' power I have. Using a holy lance will lend me a chance to talk to the Goddess into allowing me to use what power she has left.

I sigh and look into the portal. The battle is raging with the Goddess and Nada dueling above the battlefield. The Goddess is heavily bleeding from wounds covering her body, but Nada isn't unscathed. Her left eye is completely closed with blood trickling from the side of it. Her neck and face have been clawed deeply, but the wounds are already beginning to heal. Slowly but surely, Nada will regain her strength while the Goddess, already weakened, won't be recovering as fast.

With the last of the Goddess' power, I ready a lance and aim it down at the battlefield. I have to wait until they clash once more, but they seem to be biding their time. I turn my attention to the battle raging below. It seems that humans and Elven reinforcements had arrived and are now holding the Chaos army for now. I don't know how long they can keep up the defence. Please, hold on until I get back. I won't let anyone else die!

The opportune time to attack finally arrived. The Goddess and Nada clashed. "Holy Lance!" I throw the holy attack through the portal and dive after it. The painful roars of the Goddess and Nada pierces the air. The lance continues to the ground and into the center of the Chaos army. The explosion that follows kills thousands more and leaves a crater in the center of the battlefield.

I land between the two dragons. Nada's entire left arm had been obliterated and she's reverting to her human form. "Came back to save your world? Or did you just get revenge for hurting you?" She chuckles as her arm slowly heals, "You hurt your precious Goddess you spoke so highly of. What's your plan now?"

I say nothing and walk over to the Goddess. The blue and white dragon's sides slowly rise as her blood soaks the ground around her, "Rias...why?"

"To save this world, of course." I unsheathe Artenagon and let my arm dangle at my side. I don't want to do this, but it's the only way, "Lend me your strength once more and let's end this." I lean in closer, "Act like I killed you." The Goddess' eyes snap open as she realizes my plan and then closes her eyes as to accept her fate. I stab the ground as close as I could next to her neck. She roars out in pain as her form materializes back into the Ice Crystal. I stand back up as the pendant dissolves into my body.

"Interesting." Nada smiles, "To think you'd betray your people after all this time. Come sister, you belong with us."

"I belong to no one." I turn around as my human form takes over the Chaos. "I will take you and Father down and return this world to its former glory!"

"It seems that you've chosen the wrong path." She growls and tries to change back into a dragon, but to no avail, "Why can't-"

"That attack killed your inner dragon." I walk towards her, "Think you can still win, sister." White and blue wings sprout from my back, "If you won't attack me, then allow me to start!"

I fly towards her and swing my blade. She blocks the golden sword with a defense spell and throws me back. I glide to a stop as pitch black wings sprout from Nada's back. She's going to use whatever she can to win.

"You've unlocked the use of your Chaos powers, yet you refuse to use them." Nada chuckles, "The most powerful form of energy and you won't use it. You must be an idiot to think you can win!"

"You're corrupted and losing your mind." I say calmly, "When one's mind is erratic, they've already lost."

"We'll see about that." Her glare is ice cold. She's showing no emotions now. She doesn't know it, but her mind is clouded by her powers. She's been consumed by it and wants nothing but destruction. That's not how a God should be. We clash, but only to bounce off each other. She's wielding a sword of Chaos to counter my sword. She's scared of her own weakness and she's desperately trying to cover that weakness. She may have deflected my attack, but I'm testing her since I don't know what she can do yet. She's yet to use any powerful spells...unless...

Ice Crystal: Chaos Storm (book 2) FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now