17: In-Car Conversations

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"Why the fuck is this place so loud..." I groaned as I slammed my drink on the table. Joe was sitting next to me; he wasn't allowed to go for too many drinks because he might get tempted and accidentally lay someone.

"It's a club, Selena," chuckled Joe, slouching on the table. 

"Hey," said the voice of the worst person in the entire world. "I got you a drink," said Nick, holding out a red cup, making me glare up at him.

"I'm not even done with this one and you're already handing me another? What's up with your common sense, Jonas?" I snapped, continuing to glare up at him.

He stared down at me and squinted, "Yeah, what's up with that? Oh, yeah, I'm DRUNK!" sneered Nick, right in my face. I could smell the stench of the alcohol in my nostrils.

"Whatever, just- get away from me," I said, shooing him away. He chuckled and took a seat next to Joe, who gladly took the drink from his hand.

"Anyone hit on you yet?" asked Joe, his head slowly turning to me, making me roll my eyes and look away; they were just trying to intimidate me.

"Actually..." Nick started, making me jerk my head at him. I frowned and he chuckled, elbowing Joe, "See?"

"I'm not jealous, go ahead, who fell for your charm this time?" I spat, making him hurt. 

He frowned up at me, "What is wrong with you? You wanted to come- and you're here, so why are you getting fussy when you get to dance?" he paused as I started to stare at the hot guys on the dance floor. 

Nick leaned across the tabled and grabbed my fist, making me wince as I turn to him, "Forget I gave you that choice- you're staying with Joe."

I cringe, "What the hell- I could do what I want and you don't get to be possessive because WE BROKE UP!"

"Okay- chill, Selena," Joe said, rubbing my arm, stiffly. Not helping. Does he do this to Demi when she's mad?

"You know what- you're right, Imma get a drink and you could go do whatever the fuck you want- hoping that you could, I bet you're not even feeling it!"

I slammed my palms on the table, making a slapping sound as he got up, leaving for the bar. AGAIN.


I made my way to the Aussie bartender and asked for a martini- I had about 3 now and I'm getting a little woozy. But that was the whole point!

I made my way through the crowd of people and my eyes locked with the girl I was dreading since the last visit. She was right, basically still here for... hook-ups, and... stuff.

"Hey," I said, loudly, hoping she could hear me. "You're still here," I said, dancing next to her. She turned to me and giggled as she ground against me, "Yeah, I am." She reached for my hands and placed them on her hips, making me hold on as she continued to grind harder.

"Ugh, yes," I said, a groan slipping down my tongue. 

"You like that?" she smirked, making me hard. 

"You bet I liked it..."

She continued to grind as the song started to pick up, the DJ making the songs faster and faster.

"Woah, Woah, Woah, what's going on here-" 

I was jerked back from Olivia, turning to see Joe's hand on my shoulder. I frowned, "What the hell, what's the matter?"

"Urm... Selena wants to go home," Joe said, almost uncomfortable. I turned to see Olivia's eyes flash, "She's here? That's awesome! Can I see her?"

Just when she was about to rush past me, I grasped her shoulder, "No," I breathed. "No, you can't, Olivia, please, just- just go away," I was obviously too late because Olivia made it out of my grip and found her way to our table where I saw Selena look up at her.

I sighed and shook my head, Joe glaring at me as he made his way towards the girls, me, following along behind.


"Omg, it's the wonderful Selena Gomez-" Olivia started, already getting sassy as she flipped her hair. "It's wonderful to see you again, I'm Oliv-"

"Olivia, yeah, I know," Selena spat, getting up and making her way to find Nick, who bumped into her. He smirked as he brushed himself off, "Woah-" 

"Take me home," Selena said, her voice sounding almost scared. 

"Wha- why?" Nick pouted. Okay, he was definitely drunk.

"Because, I don't want to see you like this," Selena mumbled. Nick was pulled by the collar, he was too drunk to realize what Selena had just said. 

Joe followed along behind, leaving a half-confused, half-smirk face.

Nick gave a hysterical wave her way and she returned it, making Selena scowl.

"What's up with you?" Nick slurred. Joe closed the door behind them and made his way to the front of the car. 

Selena rolled her eyes at him and he frowned, Joe somehow stopped outside to talk to some random dude. 

"Nick, can you please stop?" Selena said, her voice filled with apathy and emotion towards the man sitting next to her.

"Stop- stop what?" Nick said, turning slightly sober.

"Being like... like this?"

"Like what, I don't get it, Selena," Nick's voice was filled with fury and confusion.

"You're being annoying," she finally breathed, making Nick frown.

"I'm not being annoying, you're being strange, I thought... you didn't love me anymore."

The last bit made Selena's heart shatter; of course, she didn't love him anymore, why was she being all... possessive over him?

"I- I'm just not used to seeing you with another girl just yet, you know..."

"Really? I'm betting if I let you go after the breakup, you would've already gotten with some guy," Nick said, crossing his arm across his chest like a kid.

"Then I guess I should be happy you didn't let me go..." 

"What?" Nick frowned; Selena mumbled it so he couldn't really understand.

"Nothing," Selena said, uncomfortably, shifting so that she would face away from Nick. Nick didn't let it slip; he grabbed her wrists, making her face him. "No tell me," he insisted.

Selena shook her head and tried to force herself away from him.

Nick stared into her eyes, burning holes in her, "Nick, stop," Selena whimpered. The door opened and Nick pulled away from Selena-

"What the hell, dude," Joe snapped, slapping Nick in the face so he would sober up. "Not cool," he said again, making Nick look down then back at Selena.

Selena was still scared after Nick had done this, she had never seen this side of him before; when they were dating, Nick would always be so careful when it came to getting drunk.

She scooted over all the way to the other side of the car and looked at Joe, who gave her an apologetic look, sorry for his younger brother's behavior.

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