Chappy 3

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Axel's P.O.V.

We made it to Sam's house and unfortunately i couldn't open the door and Sam couldn't do it for me either, because she was asleep. I sighed, not wanting to wake her up or put her down, and knocked... with my foot.

The door flung open and i saw a overly worried looking Tony.

"Is she dead?" He asked imediately upon seeing Sam on my back.

"Shhh! and no, she isn't, she's just asleep." I replied.He nodded and moved out of the way to let me in.  I walked in the porch and the familiar smell of Pizza (The guys had it wwaaayyy too often) hit me. Sam jumped off my back and ran the kitchen screaming PIIIZZZZAAAA! Me and Tony laughed and then went into the kitchen ourselves. I sat down in between Roxas and Demyx.

I watched as everyone ate.

"Hey Axel, you gonna eat a piece?" Sam asked.

"This man," Roxas said, poking my cheek, and Demyx poked the other. "Doesn't eat." They removed their fingers from my face.

"What about the ice cream?" Me and Roxas looked at Sam.

"How do you-" My words after these were slurred and not understandable. Everyone looked at me confused, and then i started struggling to stay awake.

"Oh shit." Roxas said standing up. "He's gonna pass out."

Roxas, was right, he knew me too much.

My head slammed onto the table and I passed out.


TA-DA! CHAPPY THREE!  Hope you likey!

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