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Axel's P.O.V.

We pulled back gasping for air. Once we calmed our breathing down, I leaned in for another.

"Wait," Sam said, panting a bit as she put her hands on my chest, proventing me from getting any closer. "What if Tony sees us?"

"What do you mean?" I asked, she looked nervous again. "Sam."

"He said that I wasn't supposed to touch you in a week," She said quickly.

"And you did such a good job at it too, Samuel." Tony said, coming into view.

"What would be the best thing to do at this moment?" I asked Sam.

"Run." she replied. I smirked, I can definately do that.

I quickly picked Sam up bridal style and ran like hell, pretending that Tony who was chasing me was some kind of idiot who somehow got the keyblade and hated my guts and was attempting to kill me. Sam started to laugh at how fast I was and how far behind Tony was, and I couldn't help but laugh myself.

"Hey sam," I said, slowing down. We were almost to Sam's house, and Tony could barely be seen.

"Yeah?" She asked.

"Mickey impersonation: WA-HA! SORA! DID AXEL DIE? WA-HA!" I said, sounding like the most failed mickey ever, and we burst out laughing. I had stopped walking completely, I was laughing so hard I couldn't move my feet and was about to fall over on Sam. Sam stopped laughing.

"Axel," She said slowly, and I knew something was wrong, so I stopped laughing myself. Sam got out of my arms and I turned around and right after Tony's fist collided with my face, hitting me right in the nose. I fell to the ground, blood pouring out of the probably broken nose.

"Stay away from her," Tony growled, before walking away to god knows where.

"Axel!" Sam said worried, rushing over to help me. she picked me up just as my eyes started to close. "No! Axel! No! Stay awake!" I struggled to keep my eyes open, but I tried my best. But despite my attempts my eyes closed, and I fell into darkness.


Roxas's P.O.V.

Me and Riku were having a make out session when we heard the front door open.

"Guys! Help! Hurry!" Sam yelled. We stopped kissing immediately and rushed into the porch. Sam was standing there with Axel in her arms, his nose pouring blood  onto his shirt and he was passed out.

"XIGBAR! MARLUXIA! ZEXION! DEMYX! ANYONE! DOES ANYONE KNOW HOW TO DO ANY MEDICAL SHIT?" I yelled, suprising myself and Riku when I said shit.

"Yes," Marluxia said sighing, waking into the porch. "Superior told Axel to teach someone else how to do it, just in case Axel gets hurt. I, was the unlucky one." He took Axel out of Samuel's arms and went upstairs, to god knows where.

I was biting my nails nervously, waititng for Marly to come back downstairs with some good news. Riku came up behind me,wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me into his chest. He nuzzled my neck.

"Calm down, Axel will be fine." He said. I sighed, putting my head on his chest. Riku was fairly tall. Or it was probably just me, I'm pretty short...

"I guess you're right..." I replied, looking over at the stairs.

"Has anyone seen Demyx?" Superior asked coming up behind us.

"He's probably in Tony's closet with Zexion." Riku replied. Superior nodded, raising an eyebrow. Riku sighed. "They somehow ended up dating."

"WHO ISN'T GAY IN THIS DAMN ORGANIZATION?!" Xnemas yelled, banging his head against the wall. Me or Riku didn't reply, because we really didn't know.  Riku grabbed my hand and hauled into the living room, getting away from superior who's probably giving himself a concussion.

Then Marly came down the stairs, and I instantly ran up to him. Before I could say anything, he spoke.

"Axel's fine, Roxas. His nose is just.... broken. Do you know what happened?" He said.

"No, I don't, but I'm pretty sure Samuel does." I replied.

"And where is Samuel, Roxas?"He asked another question, one I couldn't answer.

"I don't know, she left after you took Axel." Marluxia narrowed his eyes.

"Zexion! Demyx!" He yelled. "Go out and find Samuel, will you?" Moments later the two came down the stairs.

"Do I have to go?" Demyx whined. Marluxia slapped him in the back of his head.

"Yes. Now go!" Marly ordered. Zexion nodded and took hold of Demyx's hand, dragging him into the porch and past Superior, who probably has a major concussion.

Samuel's P.O.V

I went back out after dropping Axel off to find Tony. I wanted answers. More like needed them. Or wanted them.... I don't know anymore.

A small purple portal opened in front of me and what came out of it? If you guessed heartless you're wrong. It was those chickens, this time wearing striped underwear.

These past few days have been really weird, and I haven't slept. Not ONE of those days. I don't even know what the date is! Damn. My life is really weird.

I was on the next street when I saw Tony. I ran up behind him.

"Tony." I said.

"Sam," He turned around to face me. "You can't go out with Axel. You can't love him."

"Why?" I asked.

"Because when the time comes and they have to leave, you're going to be hurt, because you've grown too attached to Axel." He replied.

"You didn't care when I went out with Sasuke." I pointed out.

"I did, but I wasn't there to stop you." He protested. I clenched my fists.

"I'll just go back with them." He stared at me in shock. " I will. I'll find a way to bring them back into their world and a way for me to with them!"

"How will you come back?" He asked. Silence. I thought about it.

"I just won't come back." I replied.

"Are you insane?" He yelled. I smirked.

"Definately." I turned around and walked back up the street before Tony could protest. I can't believe I said that, and now that I did I feel like I have to do it.

For me. For Axel. For our love...

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