chappy 5

87 2 2

Sam's P.O.V.

I put the wet cloth on Axel's head.

"He'll be okay, right?" I asked Roxas and Demyx looking at them.

"Yeah, it's not the first time Vexen did this to him." Demyx replied sighing.

"Well then, it's about time Vexen got punished, isn't it?" I said evily, pulling out my beautiful black and red checkered glove. "Who wants to help then watch me punch Marluxia in the face for looking like a girl?" They both smiled like little kids. My own smile appeared on my face, but it was an evil one. Thank god it wasn't a grinch smile...

I walked out into the hallway, Roxas and Demyx close behind, our smiles not leaving our faces.

"Ohhh Vexen," I sang.

"Y-yes?" He stuttered.

"Stand up." I ordered. He stood up cautiously as i walked over to him. I starting to slap his face.

"Uh, Sam could you-" Xnemas started.

"Shut up, Mansex." I replied, not looking over at him. I finished Vexen's punishment by kneeing him in the stomach. Then I walked over to marly chair and pulled down on the back of it, making Marly fall with the chair.

"YOU LOOK LIKE A GIRL!" I yelled then punched him. You know what? Screw it. He is now a her. Or she... however you supposed to put it.

''SAM! WHY THE HELL IS AXEL IN YOUR ROOM, ON YOUR BED?" A girl yelled from my room upstairs. Me and Tony stared at each other.

"Alexis." We said in unision. This can't be good...

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