Chappy 11

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I heard footsteps behind me as I walked home. They were probably Tony's, so I started to run. Ahead of me I could see Demyx and Zexion walking towards me, and I made a signal with my arm, telling them to go back.

Demyx's P.O.V

Sam was doing this weird thing with her arm, and I couldn't figure out what.

"What the hell is she doing?" I asked Zexion. He narrowed his eyes, trying to figure it out himself. Then, he grabbed my wrist and started running towards the house, and I struggled to stay on my feet. What the hell is going on?

We made it to the house and Zexy quickly opened the door and got me and him inside, and he kept the door open for Sam. She stopped right in front of the door and lifted up the welcome mat, talking a spare key tp the house. Okay, now I'm confused. COMPLETELY confused.

Samuel got inside and Zexion closed the door, just as Tony was running up the lawn towards the house. Sam locked the door, then we heard really loud knocking. I'm pretty sure I can call it banging.

"EVERYONE!! GET YOUR ASSES IN THE LIVING ROOM! I'LL BE THERE IN A SECOND!" Sam yelled. Me and Zexion left the porch. "THAT MEANS YOU TOO, MANSEX!" I laughed at the name. Mansex... I'll have to write it down so I don't forget.

"Don't even think about it. You call Superior that, it's immediate death." Zexion said. I nodded, realizing he's right. What would I do without him?

Sam's P.O.V

I followed Demyx and Zexion into the living room but then went up the stairs to get Axel. He wasn't in Tony's room, which actually surprised me a bit. Then I went to my room, and he also wasn't there... Where the hell did girly put him?

Then I remembered Marluxia can be a bitch sometimes, so I went in the bathroom, and there he was, laying in the bathtub. Sighing, I knelt down and shook him.

"Axel, Axel! Wake up!" I said. He groaned. "AXEL!" I yelled. His eyes fluttered open.

"I'm alive right?" He asked.

"Yes, dumbass." I replied. He frowned, and I sighed. Again... then guess what I did? I PUNCHED HIM! No, I'm kidding. I kissed his forehead. " C'mon, we have to go downstairs." I helped him out of the tub, and we went downstairs. Everyone was sitting down either on one of the two couches, on the table, or on the floor.

"AXEL!" Roxas yelled, glomping the tall redhead.

"Sit down. Both of you. NOW!" I ordered. "This is very important." Nodding, the two boys sat down on the table.

"Alright, like I said, this is important. But before I start, is all 13+ of you here? Not including Vexen." Everyone nodded. "Good. Now, we have to find a way back into your world before today ends. I'm not keeping Tony out there for more then two days. Since Vexen isn't here, this might take longer, so Zexion I'm going to need your help to speed up the process. Any questions?" I explained. Kairi raised her hand.

"Why do we need to back to our world?" She asked.

"Well... That reason is kind of personal. That, and more heartless might show up and I'll be the only one who can really kill them." I replied.

"Are you coming?" Demyx questioned. I nodded.

"Where's Alexis?" Xigbar asked. My eyes went wide.


" I'M IN YOUR LAUNDRY HAMPER!" Alexis yelled back.


"YOU KNOW IT!" She erupted into laughter that Tony could probably here from outside.

"GET DOWN HERE!" I ordered. She literally, no joke, rolled down the stairs.

"I'm here!" she sang, skiping over to where everyone was gathered, something hidden behind her back.

"What are you hiding?" I asked, narrowing my eyes. She grinned evily, then chucked one of my bras at Axel. Guess where it landed? HIS FACE. Alexis started laughing, and I couldn't help but laugh myself.

"Why are you laughing? It is YOUR bra after all!" Axel said, throwing my dirty bra on the floor.

"It's still funny." I said, all serious again.

"You're bipolar." Zexion pointed out.

"I don't give a shit." I replied. Alexis was still laughing her ass off.

"Alexis!" I said, turning to her. She was rolling on the floor. "Are you coming to the Kingdom Hearts world with us or not?"

"Yes, I will come." She sounded all professional and stuff.

"You're bipolar too." I pointed out. Me and Alexis stared each other in the eye.


"C'mon sexy zexy, we got a job to do!" I said, pulling him off the Demyx's lap and hauling him up the stairs.

I can't believe I'm actually doing this.

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