30. Knights Pulverize

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When you start a fire, you drop the match and step back as the flames glow lighting up the night. It's slow at first but if you don't stop it destruction follows.

Nate started a fire then walked away and watched me burn alive. If that wasn't enough he stepped on the ashes which remained. He watched as if I meant absolutely nothing to him.

Theo and Roman were people I would have considered my friends until they chipped away at the wall I had built to protect myself. They drilled so deep that it chaddered me.

I feel used and unloved.

I would do anything to stop this feeling. My heart feels like it's been torn into millions of pieces. Do any of them even care for me? Every loving memory I have of Nate is being replaced by the image of him sitting back doing nothing to help me. The betrayal burns deeper than fire ever could.

The thought of Nate makes me sick to my stomach. I cannot believe I love a man who would watch me at my worst and not utter a word.

There's no way to stop loving him but right now I can't be with him. It hurts too bad and I don't know if the pain is worth the reward.

I drove fast chasing the moon as it lit up the road ahead. I was going to the only other place I've ever felt loved. I haven't been there in a long time but the visit is well overdue.

The windows were open letting the air chill me. It made me feel cold but feeling cold was better than feeling hurt. The wind blew through my hair and my fingers danced through the breeze. I wish life could always be this carefree. Why does everything have to be so difficult for me? Is the wish of being shown true love too much to ask?

Hours of driving passed by in the blink of an eye. Before I knew it, I was out of the state and on the doorstep of my childhood home.

Nobody ever bought it after I was forced out. This is a small town and word got around so no one really wanted to live in the house that was previously owned by my dead parents. When it finally became my choice of whether to keep it or not, I left it untouched. I wanted it to be perfect, the way it always was.

Lifting up the welcome mat, I picked up the key and unlocked the door. It creaked as it opened slowly, revealing the house that was always and forever imprinted in my memory.

I walked through, looking at every photograph in the dozens of frames around me. I love this place, I feel safe and surrounded by the warmth my parents give me. Stepping into this house is like stepping into their arms for a warm hug.

I sit at the kitchen table, imagining what our family dinners were like. We'd laugh and share meaningless stories about our day. I smiled to myself as I remembered a few that were once told here.

Just being here is curing my broken heart but when the realization hits me, it breaks again. It's like a never ending cycle. I laugh then I cry and I wonder when I'll ever be truly happy.

I feel attached to this house. Whenever I have a bad day, I dream of this place. I dream of the advice my mother had for my teenage years and the times my dad and I would train in the basement for hours. It was our time to bond just like helping my mom cook dinner was. I miss them both so dearly. But sitting here and only here, I feel connected to them.

I wandered around the house recalling everything that I may have forgotten. I don't know how long I was reminiscing for, just getting lost in my memories.

The sound from the hinges of the door broke me from my trance. I expected it to be Nate, my heart wanted it to be him but it wasn't.

Walking through the door, as my presence went unnoticed, was who I would call one of Daphne's bitches. I don't remember his name but I remember him and the dirty work he would do just to get Daphne's attention. His muddy shoes ruined the pristine entryway carpet and it made me upset that he is taking away from the beauty of this house. In his hand is a can of gasoline. Seeing that put me in survival mode. I'd die before I let anything happen to this place.

"Zara," he said surprised to see me here as he flicked the light switch, brightening the room that I wanted to keep dark.

"What the fuck are you doing here?"

"Daphne has a little birthday gift for you. I'm just here to deliver it," he said as he shook the can in his hand.

I understand Daphne doesn't like me but we were friends at one point. She knows how much this house means to me yet she sent someone to destroy it and take my heart away.

He started to pour the liquid along the hallway. What am I supposed to do? How do you fight against a match?

"Stop! Please stop!" I yelled running towards him. I was hoping for some compassion but his eyes held no emotion.

He lit the match in his hand and held it as he intently looked at me. I rushed over blowing out the flame.

"What do you want? What's it gonna take for you to walk away?" I asked, begging him for an answer.

"What I want is to see this house in flames," he said with a fire in his eyes.

He wasn't giving it up. There's no easy way out now, he's making it harder. I stepped on his foot to distract him as I tried to pry the pack of matches from his hands. He shoved me into the wall, knocking over the once perfectly placed picture frames which hung. Glass broke and it just fueled my fire. My head buzzed from the impact and ringing sounded in my ears but I wasn't gonna give up. I punched him in the throat, throwing him off guard then kicked him somewhere I knew would hurt. He hunched over in pain as I kicked the matches across the room and out of his grasp. What was I supposed to do with him now? I just want him to walk away and never come back.

The sound of a car engine grabbed my attention. Did Daphne have more people coming? I didn't have time to think when my feet were kicked from under me and my head smashed onto the hard floors. I couldn't see straight. Dark patches clouded my vision.

"You little bitch," he said from on top of me as he wrapped his hands around my neck.

I struggled to breath and squirmed from under him. The world of unconsciousness welcomed me but I fought to stay on this side.

Then it all just stopped.

I gasped for air as I crawled out from under Daphne's bitch. Looking over I see him with his eyes wide as blood drips from his lips and he grabs his side where blood poured out from a wound.

I can't watch another person die, especially not here in my sacred place. I put my hands on his wound and push as hard as I can hoping to see the lively light return to his eyes but it never does.

I sigh in defeat as I look in the eyes of yet another person dead but at the hands of who?

Nate stood there with the moonlight shining from behind him and reflecting off his gun. My knight in shining armour? That's not the way I see it.

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I am so grateful for all of you❤️
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