36. Red Lips Criticize

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People who have the ability to change the whole dynamic of your life usually appear when you least expect it. It usually happens when everything is going well. It's like God's way of showing that things can't always be perfect. In some sense, it is a good thing almost like you are being put back down to earth. But it also tarnishes you and your accomplishments. You work so hard for something and this just knocks you down.

I've worked for months creating a new collection for my store. It's all my work put into a catalog for rich enough people to judge. It can be stressful but also rewarding. There's something about seeing all the things you've created in one place, it gives you a sense of pride. Each thing that I made is like a piece of me that people can carry with them.

I planned a release party. It's where I will celebrate the result of my long hours but I'll also be judged by impeccable critics. There is always the doubt that it is only beautiful in my eyes. I invited Nate, Roman, Theo, all my employees, and many of the elites. The only person I really want support from is Nate.

The closer the date of the party got, the more nervous I was. It's like I'm looking at the doomsday clock. Nate was helpful with the planning, when he wasn't busy, and he also helped me keep my cool. In this situation, he's my rock and I don't know if I would have made it through all this on my own with my sanity still intact.

Today is the day. I shakily placed each piece of jewelry into the display as I contemplated it's position over and over again. Everyone around me was walking on eggshells, scared that if they did something wrong I would snap. The tensions were high, I just want things to be perfect. Is that too much to ask?

I paced around the room, correcting anything that caught a second glance from me. I'm running on coffee and a granola bar and I don't know how much longer I will last.

It's 7:30 in the evening, Nate was supposed to be here already. The event starts at 8:00. I checked my phone but there was no word from him or anyone.

My gaze followed the sound of knocking on the closed glass doors which faced the street. Theo waved with a smile that I wish I could return. I let out a breath of relief thinking Nate may follow.

I rushed over and unlocked the door for him. "Hey Theo. You're early," I expected him to come at eight.

"Well Nate's hung up with work so he sent the next best thing," he said as if this wasn't a big deal.

"What do you mean?" I asked remembering that last time something like this happened Nate got shot.

"He's got a meeting with my father."

"About what?" I pried.

"You're a little nosy, you know?" He said brushing past me. "So what do you need my help with?"

"Nothing. You're not allowed to touch anything," Theo is like a bull in a China shop and I couldn't risk it.

I walked towards my office, I needed to change into my dress. Theo called after me saying that he will "observe" everyone else working. I didn't want to add him to my list of things to take care of.

I tried calling and texting Nate but he didn't answer. What would him and his father be meeting about? For some reason, this concerns me even more.

My dress hung from the back of my office door. It's a classic 'little black dress'. I paired it with a diamond necklace and sapphire earrings that matched the colour of my shoes. I touched up my makeup then took one more look in the mirror before I realized it was already 8:00.

I rushed to the front of the store to greet all of the guests. One of the first few to walk through the doors is Brad. Fuck my life.

"Zara, such a pleasure," he said with a smile that held secrets.

"Brad," I said in acknowledgement. "What are you doing here?"

"What's yours is mine, remember?" His statement isn't entirely true but he's hinting about his part in my store. I wish I could share the news with him but then the deal would fall through. "Can you spare a moment to have a word with your business partner later?"

I gave him a sour smile before I turned away and looked for Theo. He was in the corner mingling with some rich chick. What's her name? I don't know but she's got good taste in jewelry.

"Theo," I called out and I automatically had his undivided attention. "Fucking Bradley is here."

He let out a frustrated groan. "I'll call Roman but I'm gonna check up on our security first."

Why can't I just have one good celebratory night?

I went from guest to guest engaging in light conversation. The critics loved everything, so I had one less thing to worry about.

The clock read 8:30 and there was still no sign of Nate. I could see Theo outside on the phone, most likely calling Roman.

"Hi honey," a voice that haunts my dreams called next to me.

"Daphne, what are you doing here?" I asked her the same question I asked Brad. Two people who I despise just decided to show up tonight.

Her long blonde locks fell over her shoulders. The red dress she wore matched her lipstick and hugged all her curves. She was wearing some of the jewelry that I've made, I could tell. Is this some kind of statement from her?

"I just wanted to see all your successes," she said as her red painted lips turned into an evil smirk. Am I reading too deep into this or is that some kind of a threat?

"Congratulations by the way. It's such a shame your parents aren't here," she said spitefully and it made my blood boil.

"I'm really sorry your birthday gift didn't get delivered," it was like she spoke in code but I understood each word and they hurt. Almost like each word cut deeper. "I might just have to send it again, I guess we'll see."

There was a long pause as I stared into her tainted soul and she looked around the room as if there weren't threats that just slipped from her lips.

"Anyways it was great to see you. We'll talk soon," she said then puckered her crimson red lips and blew a kiss in my direction before turning on her heel. Her golden hair almost whips in my direction as she gets lost in the crowd.

I walked through the groups of people, not stopping for anyone who called my name. I headed straight for my office, closing and locking the door behind me. My back hitting the cold wooden door as I slid down it letting my butt hit the floor. I went through every single word she said to me over again in my head. It's like I needed to dissect and inspect everything about it. I always feel hopeless when it comes to Daphne. Like she can put my life in her hands if she wanted to.

Mentioning my parents was low even for her. The threats she made still linger and I question how I will get her out of my life when I feel this useless.

One step forward, two steps back.

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