1. Smoke Flies

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Every morning starts the same. I've gotten into a routine, living by myself, surviving in this big world all on my own.

I guess I've come to realize it's not so bad. You just have to make it what you want it to be. At least that's what I tell myself and it's worked so far.

If you don't like something, it can be changed. If you don't want to remember something, it can easily be forgotten in the blink of an eye. But if I forgot everything I didn't want to remember, half of my life would be non existent.

Forgetting, for me, is the same as hiding your monsters. One lie can take the weight off your shoulders. But I never knew telling the truth would make you feel light as a feather. I guess I had to find that out for myself.

I woke up to the agonizing sound of my alarm. I pushed past the covers and made my way to the bathroom to get ready for the day.

I straightened my naturally wavy black hair and put it in a professional looking ponytail. I threw on a pair of black pants and a plain white v neck shirt. I also added my signature jewelry. I always wore an excessive amount, but hey if I have it why not. I put on three necklaces dripping in diamonds, a few bracelets, my Rolex, earrings for each of my piercings, I have an excessive amount, and rings on almost every finger. On my way to the door I grabbed my black fur coat, my go to black Louboutins, my lady Dior, and my sunglasses. One last look in the mirror and I was ready to go.

I like to walk to work in the morning because it's not very far. I opened up my doors and was greeted by my amazing employees. Sienna is my best friend but also one of my best associates. I've known her for a while now. I walked past the counter heading for my office. I absolutely love my store and the fact that I have an office and a workshop to create my pieces. The store has a very modern vibe. My office is to the back, I didn't want to take away from the elegant jewelry. I wanted to sketch out some new designs while I had them fresh in my mind, but I was interrupted by Sienna.

"Oh my god Zara! Did you hear about that new club?" Before I could even reply she continued "we're going tonight! Are you ok with that?"

Did I have a choice? Not really. But it's ok because every once in a while I needed to let my hair down and Sienna helped me do that. "Yea sure, I'm down."

After that, the day went on as usual. After everything was locked up I headed home, ordered some food and got ready. I wore a black satin dress that went to the mid thigh, it was draped in the front showing a bit of cleavage but I left my jewelry on, you know to distract the lurking eyes. I let my hair flow down to my lower back, put on a bit of makeup and I was ready.

Sienna came to my house and we got a taxi from there. We arrived at the club called "Warehouse" and the music was heard from the outside. We jumped the line and went straight for the bar. The bright lights were flashing. But if I was gonna have any fun tonight I would need a few drinks. After a few shots, I was ready for the dance floor. Alcohol does a lot to you, I was grinding on some random sweaty stranger and having fun, at least in that moment I thought it was fun. If I was sober I would never be doing this.

I needed to run to the bathroom and Sienna met up with one of her friends so I made my way there on my own. The bathroom was down a hallway completely blocked off from the rest of the club. Once I got there I fixed up my hair and my lipstick then decided it was time for another drink.

Leaving the bathroom, I went to push open the door that I thought led to the club. But this door was followed by a staircase. Well my drunk self decided it was time to explore. Up the stairs was a private bar area that overlooked the entire club, probably the VIP but I saw a bar and that's all I wanted. I went up to order a drink, only to see a puff of smoke across the bar. Once it faded, I saw the cause of the smoke, a very hot man with a cigarette in his hand and a glass of scotch in the other. He had very dark tousled hair giving an effortless yet extremely hot look and his bright blue eyes caught my attention. He wore a white dress shirt with quite a few buttons undone and the sleeves rolled up revealing some of his, from what I can see, many tattoos. He sat on one of the bar stools with a very serious expression, just staring at the wall of bottles behind the bar.

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