Frank x Reader- Princess and the Frank

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You walked around New Rome bored with nothing to do.

Octavian was getting on your nerves because he kept stealing all of your stuffed animals from your room.
(Sure he denied it but you knew it was him because he had a piece of your stuffed kitten in his evil clutches).

Someone caught your eye and you turned to see Frank reading a book on a bench with his back turned.

You had a tiny crush on the son of Mars. He was such a sweet boy and such a klutz that you couldn't help but fall for him.

You decide to have a little fun with him.
You sneakily walk up behind Frank until stopping with your face right beside his. He was so engrossed in his book he didn't notice you until you scared the living Jupiter out of him.

"HEY FRANK WHAT ARE YOU DOIN'?!" You screamed.

"HOLY VULCAN!" Frank exclaimed dropping his book.

You laughed then stopped abruptly, Frank had disappeared.

"Frank?" You called then a croak came from the bench below you.

You looked down and a little green frog sat on the marble looking up at you with bright green eyes.
You stared confused and bent down until you were face to face with the frog.

"Frank?" You asked it and it croaked in response.
You gasped and picked up Frank the frog.
"Oh my gods Frank I didn't mean to scare you into a frog I'm so sorry!" You apologized.

Frank croaked again and you tilted your head to the side.

"Uh, I don't speak frog. Let's do one croak for yes and two for no. Okay?"

"Ribbit," he said meaning yes.

"Okay. First, do you accept my apology?" You asked.

You sighed with relief.

"Good, you can change back now,"

You set Frank back on the bench and waited but he was still a frog. You raised an eyebrow and waved for him to go on, but nothing.

Frank the frog kept closing his eyes but he still wasn't turning into a human.
He hopped up and down and still wasn't a boy.

Frank looked around and jumped down from the bench landing on his fallen book. He looked up at you and croaked frantically hopping up and down on a specific page.

You looked down and read what he was gesturing to.

"I'm stuck!" Was what the paragraph said and you groaned facepalming.

"Frank, how are you stuck?!" You asked throwing your hands up exasperated.

Frank the frog croaked and jumped up and down.
You bent over then picked him up looking into his large green eyes sighing.

"Maybe I should kiss you and you'll turn human," you laughed rolling your eyes.

Franks eyes widened and he hopped frantically in your palm croaking like crazy.
You looked at him confused then you found out why he was freaking out.

"Frank I am not kissing you," you said blushing slightly.

He stopped and looked up at you pleading with his eyes.

You didn't want Frank to be a frog forever. But in what universe was this going to work?
Life wasn't a fairy tale.

"Listen I was only kidding, it would never work. It's just a silly story." You said to him.

Frank narrowed his eyes and croaked again making you groan and hang your head. He seriously wasn't giving up on this.

You took a deep breath and let it out.

"Alright fine, but if I turn into a frog I'm going to kill you. I've seen The Princess and the Frog plenty of times Frank Zhang."

Frank let out something that sounded like a laugh and closed his eyes leaning forward.
You took another deep breath and closed your own eyes lifting the little frog until your lips met.

Soon warm lips instead of cold wet ones danced against yours and you shivered as hands cupped your cheeks.
You wrapped your arms around the persons neck and pulled him closer enjoying the kiss.

After pulling away you opened your eyes to see a smiling Frank leaning his forehead against yours.

"Were you really stuck, or did you just do that so I would kiss you?" You asked suspiciously and the boy chuckled pecking your cheek.

"Does it really matter?" He smirked and you couldn't help but smile.

"I guess not," you said pulling Frank into another kiss.

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