Leo x Reader- Bad Boy Supreme

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You laughed along with your siblings as they told embarrassing stories around the breakfast table. (Mostly pranks from the Stolls).

It was your turn and you opened your mouth about to speak when you felt a presence next to you.
You turned and nearly spewed milk on your brother across from you.

"Leo, what the Hades are you wearing?!" You said biting your lower lip suppressing laughter.

The Latino stood next to you smirking looking completely different.
His usually wild curls were slicked back, he wore a white t with a black leather jacket over it and black jeans with Ray Bands over his eyes.

"Oh, just wanted to change my look. You like?" He turned in a circle and you bit your lip harder smiling.

"Sure," was all you said afraid of busting out laughing.

Leo grinned and pulled his sunglasses down looking at you over them with mischievous eyes.

"Cool. Say, are you a child of Hermes? Because you stole my heart."

One of your brothers choked on a piece of bacon and coughed laughing his ass off.
Others joined in and you couldn't help but crack a smile.

"No, but Leo why-?"
He cut you off with another lame pickup line.

"Hold up, are you a daughter of Poseidon? Because you're sex sea."
He snapped his fingers and made them into guns pointing at you and you covered your mouth, shoulders shaking with held in laughter.

Your siblings were dying now and so was most of the dining pavilion. Kids laughed until they were crying leaning on others for support.

"Leo what the hell are you even-?"
For the second time he cut you off.

"Wait wait I got it. You've got to be a child of Apollo...because you're my little ray of sunshine." He smirked.

You were really trying hard to hold it in but Leo was making it extremely difficult.
Giggles escaped your lips once in awhile as he stared at you with those adorable brown eyes.

For the third time he cut you off.

"Hold that thought. Do you have any ambrosia or nectar? Because I think I just fell for YOU-!"

Leo had attempted to lean a hand against the table but unfortunately your brothers plate was in the way.

His palm slid across the china and it flipped up spilling food onto the poor boy. He fell onto his back and the whole dining pavilion erupted into a roar of laughter.

Leo leaned up on his elbows and blushed a beet red looking up at you with large eyes over his sunglasses.

You giggled and stood up helping him to his feet.
Leo rubbed his forearm staring at his shoes as you brushed scrambled eggs off of his shoulder.

"Leo, what's this about?" You asked smiling while crossing your arms.

Leo blushed finally looking you in the eyes.

"I was...just...trying to ask you out. But I guess it didn't go too well since I just made a fool of myself." His cheeks were a bright red and you smiled wider.

"You didn't make a fool of yourself, at least, not entirely. I thought it was cute."

You laughed plucking a piece of parsley from his hair.
He stared at you in shock.

"Really? So that means...you'll go on a date with me?" He asked.

Giggling you nodded and held your head high.

"Yes Leo, I would love to go out on a date with you," you smiled.

Leo grinned so wide you thought his face would split in half. He pumped his fist in the air and jumped up and down saying, "Yes, yes, YES!"

Suddenly he did something that caught you completely off guard.
Leo grabbed you by the shoulders and pressed his lips against yours in a rough kiss.

Your eyes widened as he pulled back seeming shocked also by his sudden action.

"Oh gods. I-I'm so sorry (y/n) I-I didn't mean to-,"
Finally it was your turn to cut him off.

You grabbed his face and crashed your lips into his, his eyes widened then he melted into your lips encircling his arms around your waist.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed Leo with a burning passion.

Never in your life did you want someone as bad as the Super Sized McShizzle, Leo Valdez, Bad Boy Supreme.
And apparently Leo felt the same way about you because he tangled his fingers in your
(h/c) hair and groaned against your lips.

After pulling away you both were breathing heavily, gasping for breath, your lips touching each other's every so often.

Then you heard clapping.

You turned your heads and one by one teens started clapping and cheering, some yelling out, "Finally!" and, "It's about time!".

Both you and Leo laughed lacing your fingers together and taking a bow.
Leo grinned widely at you then picked you up bridal style making you giggle.

"I love you (y/n) (l/n)," he smiled and you laughed pecking his lips.

"And I love you Leo Valdez, my Bad Boy Supreme,"

Leo grinned crookedly then carried you out of the dining pavilion as kids still clapped and whistled in approval.

Once outside he set you down and you turned to face him.

"So, where are we going for our date?" You asked.

Leo's face fell and he glanced to the side.

"Uh, I honestly didn't think I'd get this far," he smiled sheepishly scratching the back of his neck.

You laughed and kissed his cheek smiling.

"Only you Leo Valdez," you said rolling your eyes and he smirked.

"Yes, only I could pull off the most awkward asking a girl out plan ever,"

You laughed again and then kissed him full on the lips for exactly ten seconds.

"And actually getting her to say yes," you smirked and he grinned.

"Well that was a bonus,"

You rolled your eyes again then took his warm hand in yours.

"Did I tell you that I love you?" You asked and he smirked blushing.

"You may have mentioned it a few times,"

Then you both walked hand in hand to go and plan the perfect date.

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