Nico x Elizabeth- A Thousand Years

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Today is Nico and I's six month anniversary!

I'm so happy and excited I've been giddy all week, I think I scared Percy the whole time...oh well.
As I sat at my desk making Nico's gift there was a knock on the cabin door.

Getting out of my chair I walked to the door and opened it to see a package at the doorstep. It was wrapped in silver paper with a black bow and skulls on top.
I looked around trying to catch who had dropped it off but saw no one. Strange.

I picked up the box then pulled the ribbon off and opened the lid to see a black IPod and a note attached to it.

Play me.
The note said.

I took the IPod out then turned it on to see the lock screen was a picture of me and Nico taking a selfie, I had my arm wrapped around the boys neck smiling at the camera and Nico had that adorable sideways grin on his face.

Seeing the picture made me smile and I laughed then started going through the playlist, only one song was on it. No apps, no other pictures, just that one song.
I raised an eyebrow then walked back into my cabin grabbing my headphones and attaching them to the IPod. After setting everything up I clicked play.

"Heart beats fast,
Colors and promises.

How do be brave,
How can I love when I'm afraid to fall?"

Tears welled up in my eyes as the familiar melody rang in my ears, and the sweet honey like voice sang.


Nico was singing our song.

As his beautiful voice worked the lyrics like magic a reminder popped up on the screen and I clicked on it.

Happy Anniversary Amore Mio.
I hope you like the song, please once you're done listening follow the roses and you'll find your present waiting at the end.

"But watching you stand alone
All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow.

One step closer,"

I wiped away the happy tears and smiled letting his wonderful voice sing the song that made me fall in love with him. Gods I remembered it like it was yesterday when I told him that I loved him.
The only disappointing thing was that Nico didn't say it back. That was okay, I could wait.

A thousand years if I had to.

Once the song ended I stuffed the IPod in my pocket, put it on replay, grabbed Nico's gift, then walked out of my cabin. As I stepped outside a trail of black roses lead into the forest and I followed, my lips pulling into a smile.

The roses guided me farther into the woods and I hopped over stray logs and ducked under low hanging branches. As I passed many Nymphs giggled and some sighed dreamily.

"You're so lucky," one said.

"I wish I had someone who would do that for me," another sighed.

I stopped and gave them a questioning look, "Do what?" I asked.

The Nymphs giggled then disappeared into their trees and or other vegetation leaving me with more questions than answers. What had Nico done?

I walked farther then I spotted strings of lights hanging in the trees, they seemed homemade because the white lights were covered with paper cones with black marker designs on them. The lights lead me to an open circle of trees where a large rock sat in the middle, and on that rock stood a smiling Nico.

The place was beautiful. The lights circled the perimeter of trees and as the sky darkened they shined brighter. Nico stepped down from the rock and neared me as I took everything in at once, all of the white paper hearts hanging from branches and black rose pedals carpeting the forest floor.

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