Nico x Elizabeth- Silent Treatment

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"Elizabeth I'm not telling you," the son of Hades said stubbornly not looking up from his book.

I groaned in frustration then stomped my foot like a child. "Come on Nico! Just tell me who you like." I pleaded lacing my fingers together and making a pouty face.

Nico shook his head still not looking at me. "Nope."

"Hph," I grunted.

Ever since I found out Nico had a crush on someone I was going crazy trying to find out who it was. I mean, the boy wasn't exactly the type of person you would think would like someone that way, he was always quiet and kept to himself most of the time. Never even looking at girls.

And to be honest. I hated that he liked someone else because I, Elizabeth Rogers, had a major crush on Nico di Angelo.

I tapped my foot scowling at the boy sitting under the tree as I stood above him trying to somehow read his mind. Was he thinking about the girl? Who even was she?

"Nico I need to know dude. Who is she?" I asked for the millionth time today.

The son of Hades sighed and closed his book setting it in his lap. "No one you have to worry about Elizabeth, just drop it."

"Neva!" I cried throwing my hand up in the air. "I shall find out who this mystery woman is if it's the last thing I do!"

Nico rolled his eyes and cracked a small smile standing up and stretching.

"Good luck with that," he said.

We stared at each other for a few moments, his obsidian orbs boring into my brown ones. I blushed slightly and quickly looked away trying to hide my slight embarrassment by annoying him.

"Tell me," I said.


"Tell me," I pleaded.

"Uh uh,"

"Teeeeeeeeeeell meeeeeee!"

Nico pondered this then smiled at me. "I would...but I'd rather not."

I groaned and crossed my arms, I was getting no where with this. I started to think of ways to get him to crack.

Tickling? Nah, then he's just get even more pissed at me.

Fighting him? Ha ha I'm so funny.

Torture him until he begged for mercy?, that can be plan B.

Ideas swarmed their way around my brain until the perfect plan crossed my mind. I smiled.

"Okay, well if you're not going to tell me then I'm not going to talk to you until you do," I said firmly.

Nico snorted and shook his head. "Really? Seriously Elizabeth how old are you?"

I tilted my head up then crossed my arms turning on my heel facing away from him not saying a thing. Nico raised his eyebrows then walked around to face me.

"Wait, you're serious?" He asked.
I nodded, keeping my lips firmly shut. Nico's mouth dropped open in shock as I kept the silence going for over five minutes taking him by surprise. "Oh come on Elizabeth, you can't keep this up forever." Nico sighed tapping his foot.


"I'm not telling you,"

More silence.

"It isn't going to work,"


"This is stupid,"


"YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!" He cried throwing his hands up in exasperation.
I held in a laugh then Nico scowled at me. "Fine fine, have fun not talking to me. I'm not going to crack, you're going to be the one crawling back to me. Bye."

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